Part 1: 🔞

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A/N :

(Wei ying's age : 18
Wangji's age : 30)

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The next morning:

Wei Wuxian woke up first. He glanced at his side where wangji was sleeping peacefully hugging him. Wei ying smiled.

Wei Ying felt shy thinking about their last night activities but then his smile faded when he remembered something that he wants to forget. Some moments were flashing in his mind which was making Wei ying tremble. Wei ying wants to forget about that nightmare but seems like he won't forget it that easily . Wei ying was glad that he controlled himself last night and wangji didn't got a hint about what he's feeling.

Wei ying thought , "I will share it with Wangji one day . Now...I need some time".

Wei Ying glanced at wangji thinking, "Wangji! How will Wangji react if he gets to know about it?"

Wei Ying then sided his thoughts. He tried to get up but wangji wasn't letting him go, instead Wangji's grip on Wei Ying's waist tightened.

Wei Ying said caressing Wangji's head lovingly, "Wangji! I want to get up. Let me go".

Wangji said in sleepy tone, "No. I don't want to. What if you will leave me again like before?"

Wei Ying said while caressing wangji's face , "Wangji! I won't leave you again. Now let me go... I want to attend the bathroom. Im feeling so sticky".

Wei Ying was blushing while saying this.

Wangji opened his eyes. He glanced at Wei Ying who's cheeks were red.

Wangji smirked asking, "Oh... Can you tell me why are you feeling sticky?"

Wei Ying said covering his face, "don't ask me. Just... Let me go. I want to take a bath".

Wangji said, "how about we take one round more and then we'll take a bath together?"

Wei Ying hurriedly said, "No no no. My back is hurting as hell. You can't touch me again".

Wangji said, "only one round?"

Wei Ying said, "no. Not even one round. I won't allow you to touch me for a week now".

Wangji smirked saying, "one week? nah.... Its impossible because... *coming on top of Wei Ying *..... Im gonna do it everyday".

Wei Ying looked at wangji woth horrified expressions saying, "No. We cant".

Wangji said, "Yes we can".

Before Wei Ying could say anything further Wangji captured his lips and started kissing him passionately. Wei ying couldn't react. He was just lying below wangji.

Wangji bit on Wei Ying's lower lip after which Wei Ying came back to his senses. Wei ying tried to push wangji but wangji pinned Wei ying's both hands with his one hand above Wei ying's head .

After a breathtaking kiss , they both parted . Both of them were panting .

Wei ying said while panting , "Lan zhan ! Do you....want me to... suffocate? Who..kiss like...that?"

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