part 6:

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The next morning :

Wei ying and Wangji were busy in their hot activity. Wei ying was moaning while telling Wangji to stop but Wangji wasn't listening .

At last , Wangji got satisfied. Wei ying sighed in relief.

Wangji said while separating himself from Wei ying , "I only took one round with you now but be prepared for the night. I Won't stop on one round".

Wei ying blushed as He punched on Wangji's chest lightly. Wangji chuckled . He kissed on Wei Ying's forehead .

Today Is Sunday . Wei ying wanted to sleep for long but his devil husband disturbed his sleep . Wei ying sadly pouted.

Wangji said while kissing on Wei Ying's pouty lips and picking him up in his arms (to take him to the bathroom to freshen up) , "Don't be mad now. You can sleep later".

Wei ying hummed while hiding his face in Wangji's neck and smelling his pheromones.

Wangji then took Wei ying to the bathroom.


Wangji came out of the bathroom while carrying Wei ying in his arms. They both have taken a bath.

Wangji kept Wei ying on the bed. He then went towards the wardrobe and took out clothes for himself and Wei ying . Then they both wore their clothes.


Wangji and Wei ying came to the dining area where Lan yi was sitting waiting for them.

Wangji and Wei ying greeted her. She nodded and told them to sit.

Wangji and Wei ying settled down on their chairs . They both then started doing their breakfast .


Wangji left for his work after finishing his breakfast . While lan Yi and Wei ying went to the living room. They started talking to Cheng and Xichen as they video called Lan Yi.


Wei ying and lan yi were sitting in the living room. Just then , they heard the door bell ring .

Lan yi said , "Who is here at this time?"

A servant went to open the door and see who is there.

After sometime , the servant came there along with a couple .

Lan Yi welcomed the couple and then asked, "May I know who you are mister and miss?"

Lan Yi was shocked as the lady looked exactly like Wei ying . She even had the same mole as Wei ying . She was like a female version of Wei ying .

Mr. Xiao replied while bowing to lan Yi , "Hi! I'm Xiao Yan and this is my wife Xiao Yin. Sorry for the sudden visit but we are here to...look for our lost son".

Mrs. Xiao said while coming near Wei ying and holding his face , "My son! Wei ying ! Its really you! You are my lost son".

(Madam Yu told 'Wei ying' name to Mrs.Xiao that's why she knows don't get confused)

Wei ying was confused . Mrs. Xiao hugged Wei ying and started crying .

Lan Yi looked confused . Mr. Xiao then told Lan Yi everything (about Changse Saren exchanging the babies through a nurse and then taking Wei ying and whatever happened after the Xiao's got to know about their lost son). Lan Yi got shocked hearing all that .

Mafia daddy, season 2 (wangxian And Yizhan , Omega verse)  Where stories live. Discover now