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Another day has passed in prison

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Another day has passed in prison. Being locked inside while you were in deep sorrow was pure torture. It's almost safe to say that you would rather be beaten a hundred times than spend another day in sorrow. Crying to yourself, comforting yourself only to see yourself succumb again. Foods taste much worse than you expected--although you already know that you can't expect anything from the food served to prisoners. One bite and you'll vomit, the stress also didn't help.

Looking at the sunset from behind the barred window was no longer entertaining. There were times when you blink, you wish you would never wake up again.

It hurts. You're physically hurts. Your heart hurts. Reminiscing about your father hurts. Also, the faint memory of Mingyu's back when he walked away hurts, too.

As the sky darkened, from the end of the hall you could feel the presence of another human being. Not one, or two, but several people. In the back of your mind, you're already thinking about the possibility that it might be the day of your execution. Whether they were there to put you out of your misery, you weren't sure. Who those people are, you don't know either.

The sound of footsteps became clearer and clearer. Until finally you breathe a sigh of relief when you saw Dokyeom's face coming out of the shadows.

"Dokyeom-nim?" You called out faintly.

He smiled in return, pressing a finger on his lips telling you to stay quiet. Not long after, Jisoo and Soon-young came from behind. It turns out he wasn't alone.

"What are you guys doing here..?"

Jisoo had already unlocked the lock when you asked that. This time he was able to find the right key right away.

"What else? Taking you to your father's funeral, of course." Soon-young was the first to go inside as soon as Jisoo opened the bars.

A black robe draped over your head without you realizing it. And then Dokyeom helped you up without giving you a chance to ask more questions. With Jisoo leading the way out and Soon-young guarding the back, the four of you carefully leave the prison.

"But, you're not supposed to be doing this--"

"We are not, we know." Dokyeom agreed, "But this is the least we can do for you, Y/N-nim."

Not gonna lie, walking with a racing heart and an empty stomach are not the best thing to do when you are exhausted. The way your heart sank to your stomach every time the group met someone else wore you down even more. Dokyeom seemed to notice the cold beads of sweat on your forehead, so he decided to carry you on his back.

"Wait-- I'm hea--"

"I swear if you're going to say you're heavy I'll slap your head." Soon-young butt in before you could even finished your sentence.

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