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🎵 바라고 바라

🎵 바라고 바라

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"NOONIM..!" Lee Chan's screams attracted the attention of the villagers who're hiding in their houses. There are those who peek, there are also those who still insist on hiding.

Unfortunately, Mingyu's slash wasn't deep enough to bring down the robber. With a loud roar the robber pulled his sword back--splashing some of your blood then swung it forward again with full force. With the current condition of your hands you know it's impossible to catch it again.

Standing behind you was Mingyu, he pushed you aside to block the robber's attack with his sword. Although he was able to block it, it was clear from the way Mingyu's sword shook that the robber's strength was greater than his. It's not enough to beat him but it's enough to buy you some time. You reflectively looked to your left with your arms outstretched, it was Lee Chan who immediately understood what you meant by it. He's a fast runner, so he quickly darts to where your sword is, then runs back towards you--tripping a few times.

Dokyeom had just finished taking on four robbers with Jisoo's help when he noticed your situation. With only one arrow left, he took a deep breath and aimed at the robber's back. The arrow flew faster than the wind, directly piercing the robber right in the chest. At the same time, you have left a rather deep cut on both of his arms causing his strength to loosen and finally knocking his sword away before he fell backwards.

"Jisoo, come!" Mingyu called loudly as he knelt down to check your condition.

"Are you okay, Your Highness? Are you hurt?" You looked at Mingyu's face, hands, back, literally everywhere to see if there were any scratches on his clothes.

"Are YOU okay, you're the one who got hurt." He furrowed his brows in slight annoyance. His eyes then saw the young man named Lee Chan looking at you but looking too afraid to approach him.

"You. Come here." Mingyu called.

"Chan--" You let out a sigh of relief when you saw he wasn't hurt at all. After squeezing his hand gently, you looked down and gasped rather loudly, "YOU'RE BLEEDING!"

"Huh? Noonim? Noonim--" Lee Chan was one hundred percent sure it wasn't his blood but couldn't explain it because of your non-stop babbling.

Mingyu's eyes twitched, he didn't expect that the quiet commander could be a talkative mom too. His large palm then squeezed both of your cheeks in one grip, instantly silencing your mouth.

"Whuf urr yuu dhuing?" You managed to ask through your puckered lips.

"He's not hurt, you fool. The blood is yours. You're the only one who's hurt." Mingyu sighed as he let go of your cheeks then grabbed your hands to look at the cuts, "Lee Chan, right? Do you have a place we can use as a shelter right now?"

"Certainly, sir!" Lee Chan pointed at a small house near the rough looking dock, "That's my house, you can use it."

For you, getting cuts in a fight is a normal thing, it sure is painful but it's nothing new. Which is why you feel a bit awkward when people treat you as if you are dying.

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