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In Spring, the birds sing again after waking up from their hibernation, and flower buds begin to grow again

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In Spring, the birds sing again after waking up from their hibernation, and flower buds begin to grow again.

In Summer, farmers have to work harder because their land dries up. It is a great joy when the rain finally poured down.

In Autumn, the flowers and leaves begin to turn yellow and fall to the ground, emitting a beautiful view.

In Winter, people start to long for spring to come faster and birds prepare to hibernate again.

Day after day, month after month, year after year.
Time just flew by and three years had passed.

Those who managed to survive continued to fight. Every day before was not an easy day. And each day that comes next is a mystery, often worrying. Especially for people who have to live in the lower classes.

For nobles passing three years might be an easy thing. They can casually sit cross-legged without worrying about what they should eat or drink. All they think about is what kind of entertainment they should get every day.

Getting drunk on alcohol, bullying small people, sleeping with prostitutes are common things that are easy for them to do. For them, the challenging thing in life is not to survive, but to get what is hard to get--including toying with Kisaeng until they falls into their grasp only to be crushed and thrown away later.

Kisaengs are beautiful, they're known for that. Sadly, many beautiful women became Kisaeng because they came from lower classes and forced to have the skills to entertain upper classes people--poetry, music instrument, traditional dance, or as simple as conversation skill. Therefore, when there were nobles who spoke as if they wanted to marry Kisaeng, many easily believed--after all, only by being ransomed could they be free.

In the ranks of top class Kisaeng, one Kisaeng is known as the cold blooded Kisaeng--Indeed, she is beautiful. Her intelligence, talent and courage are mesmerizing. She's also known to be the only Kisaeng who carries a sword wherever she goes.

She was not afraid to get blood stains on her luxurious robes. She did not hesitate to punish those who violated the rules--harassing the Kisaeng for example--both against herself or her fellow Kisaeng in the lower ranks.

She is as beautiful as a butterfly, some people just forget that some butterflies can also be deadly.

A Kingdom from far away specifically requested her to attend their special celebration. It is no surprise that many upper classes people are vying for her presence. Everyone is so curious about her beautiful figure yet is said to be cruel. Often they just want to prove the myth.

That Kisaeng had entered the second day of her journey, just a little bit more until she reach her destination. From behind the gama curtain, she saw a sight she had never seen before. A prosperous land, a magnificent Kingdom.

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