Why was it you

25 1 8

Finnick POV:

My feet seemed to walk forwards with ought me even realising fear crackled through me as the door closed behind me. My eyes trailed around the room it was lined with the photos of district 4  tributes and victors but one stood out to me, Mags. Mags was like a second mother to me she nurtured and took care of me and y/n when our parents couldn't because they were fishing all day and sometimes into the night. I treasured those days Mags, Y/n and i all having fun playing in the ocean if only i could have more of them. My thoughts were stopped by the sound of a peace keepers voice "you have 3 minuets", my mothers arms wrapped around me holding me close she looked down to me and said " you have to come home, for me, your dad and if not for us for your friends your future" tears pooled in my eyes at the sight of my mom crying. My dad walked up to me and hugged both my mother and i at the same time and just held me "we don't care if you have to kill to win just do what you have to, to survive" he said softly as we just stood there hugging, i closed my eyes for just a moment to try and pretend this wasn't happening but it was thats when the peace keeper from earlier voice boomed through the room " times up" he said as two others dragged away my parents both screaming, crying. As the door slammed shut i sat on one of the large brown leather arm chairs silently wishing this was just a dream a soft stream of tears fall down my face all i want right now is to see y/n, see her face she was my best friend my comfort and i need her now. "Three minuets" i heard the peace keeper yell, i quickly brushed away my tears to see Y/n run through the door as she sprinted towards me i opened my arms for her to collide into me. We shared a warm embrace, i looked down into her eyes the looked saddened and dull, it hurt me to see her like this but i couldn't ' change what was going on god i wish i could. She stepped away from me and help my face in her hands "y/n I'm probably not going to make it so i just wanted to say" i was cut of by her shaky voice "no, your going to make it out no matter what you cant fish, hunt, make traps and your good with weapons, if you get your hands on a trident you will come home they wont be able to stop you" she said "but tridents are expensive the game makers wont put one in" i replied but once again i was cut off by her voice "then charm the sponsors, your handsome and charming and lethal they will get you a trident" "so, you thing I'm handsome" i said with a wink "really? That's what you got out of that" she replied with a giggle " you can win this i know you can and you have to promise me you will" she said as she out stretched her pinky " "i promise" i replied as i inter twined our pinky's. "Oh! That's right, your allowed a token from your district here" she said as she pulled off the this pearl necklace she had on and handed it to me "its made from all the pearls we collected together as  kids" she said "thank you i replied gratefully.    as i put it on. "Times up" the peace keeper said as he pulled her out the door however this time they forgot to shut it completely 

Y/n POV:

"Please let go ill walk back i swear" i said pleasing to be freed from the peacekeepers tight grip, suddenly mags appeared in front of me "let her go ill escort her back myself" mags signed. Finally the peace keepers released me from their tight grasp and walked away once they were out of sight mags hugged me deeply once she pulled away she signed "I'm so sorry sweetheart i know how it feels to have your true love in those games" "i know you do grandma but i dont think he sees me that way anyway, please take care of him i don't think i can live with ought him" i whispered softly "i will he will come back you and i both know he can" she signed in return she said goodbye with a soft kiss on my forehead and a small hug "you can stay in my house while were gone it might give you some comfort" she signed "thankyou" i replied as i walked away from the justice building leaving that day behind 

Finnicks POV:

Fear latched onto me, with every step i took my anxiety grew terror clouded my mind as i realise what was happening i would have to kill people Celestia walked us into the train showing us the dining areas, compartments and rooms but all her words sounded like white noise. A few hours into the trip a door opened the girl besides me and i both stood up quickly to see our mentor, Mags. Mags walked us through how everything was going to work and what our best strategies would be i watched her sign every word before realising the girl next to us must have no clue whats going on not being able to understand sign language would be hard for her right now. Then mags signed to us " get ready an hour to the capitol dress your best first impressions count" i looked to the girl and repeated what she said as we walked to or desagneted rooms to get ready for what was coming 



Thankyou to those of you who are still reading i was only today that I noticed i now have some uk readers and the other half were Australians as a Aussie it feels so cool to know that people in other countries are reading what i write anyway i hope everyone reading this has a great day and maybe someday i will get like 100 readers but as of right now it just feels so surreal to have 30 (thats what it was when i wrote this) anyway happy reading

XO, the author

If the odds were in our favour - Finnick x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now