First Impressions matter (pt.2)

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Caesar's words caused a knot to tie in my stomach, if i was this nervous I could only imagine how Finnick must feel. Poor Finnick getting paraded around as if he were with a pack of cattle up for auction being sold off to the highest bidder as some playboy murderer, Mags has always given us a slight strategy talk on what to do if we were reaped before almost every reaping, i would be sarcastic, witty people pleaser and he a playboy. finnick played that role flawlessly when he smiled cockily while winking when he was reaped, but that was all an act so who knows what he is really feeling. My thoughts were brought to a halt by the booming of horse shoes trotting along the capitol ground blasted through the TV speakers. " It's starting!" Claudius commented gleefully you could almost see how pretentious his hair was based off his overly excited voice "yes, and here comes district one now!" Caesar said in reply with excitement dripping of each word. 'yippee' i though to myself sarcastically, how fun to parade 24 children around in stupid costumes before 23 of them die, painful, murderous, evil deaths I'm sure snow would be cackling if it wasn't for his hundreds of adoring citizens in the crowd, not what I would call them, personally I would call the over the top, brainwashed, idiotic slaves but I suppose everyone is entitled to their own opinion. "Oh and here come the ones I'm routing for this year, district 4!" Caesar commented joyfully " well more specifically the young boy Finnick Odair. Youngest tribute this year but he seems prepared." his photo popped up on the side of the screen with all of his information like his hight, weight pretty standard i thought to myself, and hair colour?  "Why do they need to know his hair colour are they more lethal if its neon green or something?" I mumbled under my breath to which i heard my mothers laughter. When the pop up of Finnick closed i looked to see his costume. Laughter exploded from me at the sight of it " he..he looks so.. stupid!" i tried to string out between laughter to which my parents laughed in agreement "what is that?" Claudius questioned as Finnick slammed his trident onto the floor of the chariot  in one swift movement, while what looked like liquid gold climbed up his trident then across his and the girls arms leaving some sort of  engraving all over their bodies "the warriors creed..." my dad muttered "the last time that was seen was..." he trailed off "in  moms games" mom said softly when a few seconds after Caesar repeated the same thing as my parents only he said it with confidence and replaced the mom for "Mags Flanagan's" (Caesar said "The warriors creed! The last time that was seen was, Mags Flanagan's games!"). Once all the tributes reached the end of the aisle President snow presented his sugar coated speech on how wonderful the games were. With that my family and i filed out of the living room into our own rooms to go to sleep i stared at the roof trying to drift off to sleep 


"That was wonderful!" Celestia radiated joy at our first impressions "you did well, I'm sure you will get lots of sponsors" Mags signed contently. After that we were brought to our rooms. after a few minutes of sleeplessness i went out to our levels kitchen to get some water only to find mags waiting for me "Finnick, I've known you long enough to know when something is plaguing your mind you can ask me anything it will help" she signed knowingly with a kind expression on her face, i couldn't ask her what i really wanted to ask about, it was about something i had seen but i couldn't ask her not yet, if i win these games i will ask her it will give me something to want to come back to ask anyway along with the other mountain of stuff. most involve Y/n but some my family. "I was wondering, why we have to put on masks to act a certain way and not completely be our selves" i lied it pained me to lie to Mags but i knew it was for the better. She studied my face as if seeing through my lie before letting out a sigh "you know why, because all they want is a show, it gives them something to sponsor" she signed while her smile sank "anyway you best be off to bed its going to be an early morning" she once again told me through sign with her kind smile. After reaching my room my thoughts wandered back to the times when i wasn't scared of these games, before we could be reaped, a few months after i originally met y/n. A memory came flooding back t me, y/n and i were camping on the beach "see that star" i said as i pointed to the brightest one i could find, "if were ever apart look at it and i promise i will be looking at it too!" i commented "pinky promise?" she said in return holding out her pinky "best friends! " we said together "always!" I exclaimed "and Forever!" she Replied just as ecstatic, when our pinkies intertwined i saw her eyes sparkle, that glimmer of happiness left after our first reaping. I smiled at the memory 


Finnick and Y/n although separated at the time had a bond that nothing could break not distance, not death and that bond is what led them to love each other so dearly not just as friends, but of course they don't know that yet there only 14. The pair walked over to the balconies, although districts apart they still did the same thing. They looked into the stars to find the one Finnick pointed out all those years ago once they found it they recited "best friends!" they said happily "always." Finnick responded while y/n left a gap for him to speak "and forever." she whispered softly as a single tear rolled down her cheek as the lump in her throat began to hurt as more tears threatened to fall "i can't loose you" she mumbled "ill come back for you" he whispered as they both turned back into their rooms and imagined what life would be like if this had never happened if the odds were in their favour...


Author Note :

Hi! I know that not many people even read these do not feel guilty that may or may not be me half of the time but this feels so unbelievable if I told myself a few months ago that  would write a book on Wattpad and people in Australia (like me), the UK and now the USA would all be reading it i would have called myself a liar to say the least. So thank you all so much for your support i will see you all but the next chapter and as always happy reading.

If the odds were in our favour - Finnick x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now