Bruh, Im tired of a whole day's task.

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Bold = TV talk
Bold + Italic = TV words appear on the screen.

No one pov


All heads of the sector alliances gather in the meeting room including Y/N since they are the only representatives of themself (they are the only humans in the war), with the heads of the TV alliance for alliance introduction and discussing the plan.

(I bold for TV units backward talk. Y/n just stayed silent because they didn't understand.)

"Everyone, thank you for gathering to meet the newly joined alliance. Please welcome to the TV alliance."
"Hello. I am the head leader of the TV unit, TV-12, and this is my assistant, TV-19. It would be such an honour to help you guys by aiding in this war. In the beginning, our alliance were still in progress to create a few unit members to observe and create the units that could aid. Since you seem to be losing little by little, we from TV Alliance decided to lend you a hand but with Human also help with our upgrades. Any question?"
"Is there also gonna be a partnership with some selected unit or help aid the battle for an emergency?"
"Only the Human will partner with one of our units and the rest will help aid the unit members throughout this war. Anyone else?"

No one seems to want to ask more about so TV Woman now gives the end of speech for the day.

"If no one wants to have a question then I now end my speech here and let TV-19 take charge of my presence for doing a little meeting."

She walks away from the mic and starts misting away as everyone looks onto TV-19 which he just shrugs. He gave a paper that mostly contained a contract of their alliance conditions and agreement. (the writing is normal so y/n can easily read the contract.)

"You can read first and have the discussion. any problem or need assistance you can ask me."

Everyone started to read the contract and had a little bit of discussion. Y/n doesn't know some of the words and wants to ask SC-6478 but knowing his transmitter communication is broken a bit they just pretend that they understand what they read even a bit. 15 minutes later, everyone started signing the contract even y/n.

TV-19 gathered the signed contract and looked at everyone with '?' appearing on the screen.

"any objection or anything?"

Silent and get out of the room like everyone as they all have their work to do after the meeting. SC-6478 need to head back to his work leaving Y/n  alone. They had nothing to do so they thought about trying to ask permission to check back their old base. So they head to the Commander's room since he is the only authority that they know and knock on the door. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to be in his room so they were about to head back to their room when they got a message that they would get deployed to fight.

they punch up in excitement and then re-read the task again to make sure. In the task, They will be deployed in the evening in the support team that need to retrieve dead units of cameraman and engage in fighting in self-defence if they encounter any enemy or toilet.

'Well at least I got outside for some fresh pollute air' they thought. They walk in the hallway while still checking the rest of their task on their phone, and they accidentally bump into someone which causes them to fall to the ground. They look up at who they just bumped, the TV-19 with no expression on the screen. But he helped them get up and fix their clothes while asking if they were okay.

They don't understand what he says but just nod with a bit of a smile. they were about to take leave but TV-19 stopped them because he wanted to ask something. They still can't understand what he is trying to say or ask though they know he wants to ask something. TV-19 sighed and decided to show words from his screen so he started to say words that appeared through his screen.

"You can read this, right?"
"yeah. so what with the weird static noise from you?"
"that supposes our communication but I guess you humans can't able to understand that."
"Well I can-"
"And no, We don't want to put our translation communication into your chip brain wave system because it will get exposed or hacked later on by anyone."
"awh, so how am I f**king communicating with you guys?"
"well, we prefer you don't need to."
"But if my partner is one of your units, how are we gonna communicate??"
"-_-, Human.  hate to say this but I'm your assigned partner."
"oh cool. wait what do you mean 'hate'?? you don't wanna work with me?"
"Because I prefer to work alone and make sure everything goes well. Plus I heard you  got a lot of problems."
"Touche. But hey at least I'm good at fighting and engineering which makes me survive for like a year and a half."
Aren't you supposed to prepare to get deployed for your task this evening?"
"Oh yeah. Gotta go, Bye TV-19!"

As they left him, He just sighed with a bit of mutter 'Problem kid' and mist teleport away back to his base.

Timeskip to evening~

Y/n pov

Right now Im in Heli Camera with other engineering units heading to the location pinpoint area to retrieve the remaining survivor cameraman while I retrieve at least 10 dead cameraman heads. This gonna be easy, right? oh wait toilets can bite or knock so I need to pick the least damaged head so they can recover the footage of the fight.

All the heads that have been retrieved will be put in a box to carry back to the base. sounds like a task for me. the atmosphere in this heli is kinda awkward and silent to me when the engineers barely have any topic to talk about during this war. But hey, there is a window next to me so I take a peek outside while waiting to arrive at the destination.

Not very a good view since it was almost nighttime and many fire was set on the buildings. Mostly see all those dead bodies of speakermen and cameramen plus some blood that belongs to the toilet. I wonder what mom doing right now. I snap from my thoughts when the heli camera is done doing the landing.

All engineers run off from the ship to help fix the surviving cameramen temporarily while I start gathering the heads of the dead ones from the nearby area. I was focusing on getting the head that I didn't realize there was a remaining toilet ready to attack me. I heard something from my back and turned around to see the medium-sized toilet charge at me ready to attack.

I didn't act fast as they started to jump on me but got kicked by TV-19 then he helped me up. He made '>:(' then say,

"Stop fooling around human!"
"No im not."
" Yes, you are."
"Well at least thank you for saving me."
" Now hurry up and finish up your task. They gonna leave in any minute."
"I know!"

I quickly gather the rest of the head and head back to the heli camera which is not there.

"No, they already left??"
"Didn't they tell you they have a time limit?"
"uuhhm no!? Now how am I supposed to get back!?"
"Let me send you back now hold onto my coat and quick warning you will feel nauseous after this."

The mist covers us causing I can't see anything until it is gone and the sight of the lobby main base is in front of me.  I felt wanna puke so I ran to the nearest fake plant pot and threw up while TV-19 just stood doing nothing. I recover from it,  I go back to see TV-19.

"Sorry for that. First-time teleport and my body feels unstable by that."
" No need to. you will get used to it for your upcoming task later."
"Could I at least know how your teleportation is working?"
"No can't do. Anyway need to head back to the base to check in something so see you next time, Human."

He mists again so I head back to my room and lay on the bed then slowly drift to sleepiness because of tired for a whole day. 

Meanwhile near the outside city wall~

"Just almost there."
"Ma'am, You sure your kid is still in there?"
"Im sure and my kid  is such strong will person."
"let's camp near an abandoned building. Tomorrow we can continue to search."

to be continued~

(There gonna be a plot change in the future so stay tuned.)


𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐲, 𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐩𝐬𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝 (discontinue and rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now