Time to see TV faction Titan and got to see my old base

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Y/n pov

It has been 2 months since the TV faction joined the alliance and I have been more hardworking on the projects that I have been receiving weekly. I also got access to the Library of the Main Base Alliance which makes it easy to think of new upgrades for the units that are more affordable to build and able to make units survive in the fight for temporary survival.

But today, I can finally check the TV faction Titan and probably can discuss new upgrades that might inspire me to add some on Titan Camera. TV-19 warned me about the TV faction base area which I am aware so I brought headlights that were not so dim and bright only able for me to see.

I also upgraded my mask to a more efficient where that can detect movement and sound plus night vision for nighttime. The material of the outer layer is hardened enough to protect from any explosion and bullets so it should be enough.

Right now Im waiting for TV-19 in the main lobby area while fiddling with my pen that I bring along with a little notebook. A few minutes later, He mist teleported in front of me which startled me.

"Warn me next time, TV!"
"Not sorry for that if you pay attention to where I teleport."
"Now take me to your base like you promised! I can't wait to meet your Titan faction."
"First of all, that is not promised. It's you practically begging and luckily the Leaders tolerate your request."
"Eh, that's kinda fine, right?"
"That's not fi-"
"Now shush and let's teleport to your base faction."
"*Sigh* okay. Hold on tight."

I held his sleeve as the mist surrounded us. when the mist is clear, Everything seems a bit dark except the dim light from the TV units so I turn my headlight on which gives the area a bit of brightness.

TV-19 nudged me to follow him to the Titan control room. In the Control room, many TV engineers and scientists manage the control panels of the room. TV-19 went to talk to one of the Scientists while I just stood still awkwardly until TV-19 came back.

"Okay human, Listen carefully because there is something you should and you shouldn't."
"hmm, what is it?"
"You can't roam around this base, You can interact with the units but don't interrupt their work, and lastly, you don't take what isn't yours here."
"mhm, got it. now when will I gonna meet Titan!?"
"In 5 minutes. For now, don't cause trouble."

They sit on a couch to wait while TV-19 has to leave them for a moment to finish up some work that he needs to do. 5 minutes later, one of the TV Titan operators informed them that they were now able to meet their Titan under TV-19 request.

They follow the TV Titan operator to the Titan room and then when they arrive, the TV Titan operator informs them that they have an hour before leaving them with the Titan.

From excited to awkward from Y/n as they face the TV faction Titan. the titan makes 'ovo' expression on his TV screen while waving to Y/n so Y/n waves him back with a smile and then starts a conversation with him.

Meanwhile TV-19

He observes Y/n and their titan interaction from the footage of the Control Room until one of the TV Titan operators calls him for a short meeting with the elite unit, the TV woman, to discuss their titan.

He signs okay and informs the operator to take his place to observe and take note of their interaction. He then proceeded to head out from the control and went to the TV woman's office.

Back to Y/n

You enjoy talking to Titan TV about your interest in movies and books plus some ideas about their alliance's upcoming upgrades for a unit. They also ask about his battle upcoming fight plan and the function of his parts until they get interrupted by the operator.

The operator told them that their time is up in hand sign which they understand some of. They bid goodbye to the Titan TV as they head back to the control room to find TV-19 with TV woman beside him waiting for them.

TV woman said something to him before leaving the control room. Tv-19 says something to the operator and lets them continue their work so Y/n ask him what were they saying.

"Mind your own business. now let's head back to the main base."
"Can I request one more thing?"
"What is it? "
"Can you bring me to this coordinate?"
"May I ask why? "
"Just want to visit something. It just gonna be a quick visit."
"*sigh* Okay, but no other request after that."

He mists them both to the location that y/n had set and it is in front of the abandoned building.

"Okay, wait here. Im just gonna check something."
"Hurry up. "

They head into the destroyed entrance which met with almost half-trashed of their base. The main floor from where they entered got trashed in the kitchen and living room. They check their old trashed base upper floor and take out their notebook to write something.

They head to the underground floor using manual entrance aka using stairs until they arrive at their destination. The underground floor is still in good condition since the toilets didn't know about here so they head to the Security system control room. They head to one of the control panels and take out their phone to connect to the system.

As they are done, they head back outside from their base to meet TV-19 waiting for them.

"Yep. Now let go."

They both got mist back to the main base alliance and TV-19 bye to Y/n as the mist back to his base faction. Y/n heads to their room and they check their phone to press something before they take a shower after such a long day.

Meanwhile on the underground floor of the y/n base~

The door of the back was unlocked and opened automatically with several humanoid robots' eyes lit up as they got activated and commanded.

To be continued~

(I use my phone to write while waiting for my laptop charger to get repaired. next, it is not a chapter but rather info that is for the unit and Y/n)


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