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"It's called the Kiss of Death," Gaius reads aloud, "Once the spell is cast, the caster must seal it with a kiss." Gaius takes a pause and reads ahead with sorrow in his eyes. "It is written that the spell burns the victim from the inside out until they die from the effects. They roast mentally and physically."

"Wait, what do you mean mentally?" Lancelot asks.

"The nightmares." I murmur, looking down when Merlin whimpers again from below me on the cot. His form is trembling violently, clothes sweat soaked and pasted to his skin. Absently, my thumb rubs soothing circles into the back of his hand.

"Yes, you're right Arthur, nightmares. They twist the victims mind and use the ones he loves most to warp his thoughts and distort reality. The spell is torturous and only leads to an excruciating death."

Tears prickle the back of my eyes as I stare down at Merlin. Why would someone do this to him? Who would do this to him? Sweet, innocent, bumbling Merlin?

Visions from when he drank the poison for me all those years ago flash into my mind. How small and pale he looked. How vulnerable, yet so strong he was. Through all the years he has served me, all the quests we've completed and all the foes we have defeated, he has stuck by my side. The bravest man I ever met. Bravery is a strength unknown.

Sniffling I look to Gaius, "How . . . do we save him?" I plea, voice cracking harshly at the end. Lancelot and Gwaine both stare at me in surprise and pity, seeing how I clutch onto Merlin's hand like a lifeline.

"Sire," Gaius starts, looking at me through his own tears. He clears his throat, trying to pull himself together and be the sturdy physician that everyone knows and loves. "To break the curse from the Kiss of Death, the victim must receive a kiss from the person who holds their heart. Merlin must be kissed by his one true love."

His one true love. . .

"That could be anybody!"

"I've never seen him fancy anyone," Gwaine adds, "though I have seen quite a few maidens in the town fancy him, quite a few more stableboys now that I think of it."

"Has he told you of anyone Lancelot? Gaius?" I ask.

"No one sire." Gaius responds. Lancelot only shakes his head. We all freeze when a knock sounds at the door.

Another knock.

"Gaius?" Gwen's voice cuts through. Upon all of us letting a sigh of relief out, Gaius bids her enter. "How is he?"

"His condition is deteriorating. At this rate, he only has another day I'm afraid, maybe less." Gaius speaks slowly, forcing each word out. At Gwen's questioning glance he continues, "The cure is true loves kiss, but we don't know who that is."

For the next hour they ponder anyone who Merlin might love. Throwing names back and forth endlessly, they continue. Stableboys, maids, town girls, town boys, pages, servants, noblewomen, noblemen. None of them Merlin has ever seemed to fancy, or talk about. No one.

"Wait, who does he spend the most of his time with?" Gwen asks.


"Obviously he does princess, you work him to the bone." Gwaine retorts, trying to lighten the mood.

I grip Merlin's hand tighter between both of mine. Gaius seems to be the only one who notices, lifting an eyebrow at me curiously, suggestively.

"I meant his free time." Gwen admonishes. "Is there some place he frequents?"

"The tavern! We could check there, see if he's visiting a special someone."

"Great idea Princess, Lancelot and I will go check it out, go ask around -- "

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