The Aftermath

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Movement wakes me. In the dark chamber, the only light comes from right in front of me, a beautiful gold emanating from Merlin's eyes, hidden under flickering lids. Magic.

He's mumbling in his sleep, begging for forgiveness. Merlin's body is thrashing, and there are tear stains on his face.

"Arthur...Arthur please, forgive me. It's for you...m-magic 's yours. S-Sorry. M' love."

Worried, I throw myself at him, pinning his thrashing body so he can't hurt himself. "Merlin! Merlin, love, wake up, it's just a nightmare."

"Protect Arthur...Morgana attack."

Merlin's face scrunches up as fresh tears pour out, his golden eyes shining through the crack of lid. "Don't hate me Arthur."

I could never hate you Merlin, "Wake up Merlin!" I gently pat his face, shaking him softly, "Come on love, wake up for me." Peppering soft pecks to his cheeks, his nose, forehead, I whisper into Merlin's skin, "It's Arthur, your Arthur, Merlin. Wake for me love." Merlin whimpers beneath me, I kiss the sound off his lips.

Merlin's eyes flutter. Brilliant gold shining into the dark.


"Oh Merlin, thank God. You were having nightmares again." Merlin's eyes widen in the dark. The view of his golden eyes is breathtaking, liquid gold swirling in his iris.

"Did I say anything?"

"You were talking about your magic." I reply calmly. Merlin's breath hitches, a soft sob escaping his throat, eyes panicked. His body feebly attempts to get away, but my own body pins his weak one to the mattress. "Hey, no. No, don't worry, it's alright Merlin. Nothing is going to happen to you, I won't allow it."

"I promise Arthur, I only use it to protect you and Camelot," Merlin rushes out, eyes flickering between the two of mine, "For you, it's always been for you."

Merlin's breathes still stutter in and out, tears silently running down his cheeks. "I believe you. I trust you Merlin. Breathe for me, alright, let's get you calmed so we can talk. Sound good?" Merlin nods his head, eyelids fluttering closed for a second. I kiss away the furrow forming in his brow, which brings a soft smile to his face.

"You don't hate me then?"

"I could never hate you Merlin. I love you, always. I don't care about the magic or anything else. As long as I have you, I'm perfectly fine. Magic could never be innately evil if you have it, because you are the kindest, best person I know. My father is wrong...he's wrong."


Tears roll down Merlin's face anew, a watery smile breaking out as he sobs silently. I lie back, pulling his warm body after me, so that his face is hidden in my shoulder. "What happened in your dream love?"

Merlin settles, one arm slung over my torso, clinging tightly to my tunic. "Come on Merlin. Tell me."

"You're such a prat."

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear those words out of your mouth." Merlin chuckles, repeating the insult softly. "I thought I'd never hear anything from you ever again, thought I'd never hear your voice again, or see your smile. I lost you Merlin. You were gone, not breathing, and I was terrified. I was so scared that I'd lost you forever without telling you how I felt, or that I actually did care for you at all." With a sigh I pull the covers over Merlin's shoulder, watching him watch me out of the corner of my eye. I circle the outline of one of the blisters on Merlin's skin, scowling at the atrocity. "God, I can't believe someone would do this to you. I'm glad that woman was already dead when the knights found her, or else I would have run her through where she stood."

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