Mistletoe and Merlin

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"Merlin! What took you so long? The winter feast is less than an hour from now and I'm still not ready! Quit being utterly useless and dress me!"

Of course the prat would only be worried about getting dressed, as if there weren't a sorceress hidden among the mix of visitors from Bayard's kingdom! But did his royal pratness ever notice anything wrong? No, he didn't!

I could feel her power every time I passed her in the corridors. On more than one occasion she had cast a spell in the attempt to cease my legs from working, making me trip and fall.... On more than one occasion it had worked. But that's not the point! The point is that Arthur never seems to notice when something's wrong. The clotpole.

"Merlin, are you listening? ...... Ever since Bayard arrived you've been all out of sorts. Head in the clouds. Maybe it's that maidservant that you keep falling around? Falling over? Have a fancy there Merlin? Hmm?"

How can he think I fancy her? I don't have time to fancy anyone above taking care of his every whim. I go above and beyond my duty, but do I get any thanks? NO! I get picked on and mocked and worked harder than anyone.

Even through all that, I can't help but love the prat a little. I love the king that I know he will be, and I know I will stay by his side until the day comes where he fulfills his purpose on the crown and unites Albion.

"What? Oh no, no, she's not really my type, sire." No my type is blond haired, blue eyed roman gods who just happen to be utter dollopheads. I mean come on, who looks that ravishing tangled in a shirt?

When will he realize that the biggest hole is where his beautiful, massive, ego filled head goes?

"Really Merlin? Then what is your type? " Was that a hint of jealousy in Arthur's tone? Why would....he can't.... No it must have been something else.

"I like people who can hold a decent conversation and not bore me to death. It doesn't matter what my type is though." I say decisively. Under my breath I mumble so Arthur cant hear, "It's not like you really want to know, or care anyway."

"Of course I want to know! And why wouldn't I care? You're a friend Merlin. An idiot, but a good friend." Arthur replies with as much conviction as can be had while stuck in a shirt, golden chest on display in the milky moonlight.

"Oh. Erm, really?" I blush as Arthur nods his head. "Well, uh. I guess . . . . someone charming, funny maybe, um someone strong I suppose? That maidservant definitely has none of those traits. She's obnoxious and won't leave me alone, so yeah."

"Oh hmph. . .Well good, but I'm still stuck in my shirt." Oh yes, that tantalizing shirt that fits snugly on his chest, letting his muscles protrude a bit when he flexes. The red one that brings out the color in his cheeks and leaves him looking warm and happy. Yes, my favorite shirt on him, and the reason why I often pick it for him to wear.

Woah, calm down there Merlin... You sound like a love struck girl I hear Arthur's voice say in my head.

" Prat."

"Oh I almost forgot, you have to wear something decent if your going to be serving me at the feast, but don't worry, I had clothes made for you that will work." He says as he pulls out a deep blue fitted shirt, and midnight black trousers from behind his bed curtain. They look perfectly my size. How were they perfectly my size?

"Do I have to? I could just let someone else serve you for tonight. Less goblets would be spilled if I don't go."

"You're going, so go change and meet me in the grand hall in thirty minutes. Oh and Merlin!" He tosses a red cloth, a jacket at me, "Can't have you freezing to death, looking for a new manservant would be so tiring."

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