Short 5

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Christian helps Roger out.

"Why didn't I exchange numbers with her when I had the chance?" Roger is kicking himself.

"Especially now that Valentine's Day is tomorrow." Ashley added, and earned a glare from him.

"What about Facebook, or Instagram?" Sarah asked.

"I already tried that, but there was no sign of her."

"Maybe she doesn't have an online account for safety purposes." Jessie guessed.

Jacob put his arm around his immediate younger brother's neck. "Looks like you'll have to ask the goofball for her number."

"Over my dead body." Roger hissed.

"What? Why?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah." Ashley said. "I'm sure he would give it to you in a heartbeat."

"And have to be nice to him, cause I owe him one. I don't think so."

Ashley blew a raspberry. "Like he'd expect you to start being nice to him.

Roger huffed and Jessie sighed. "Baby brother. This is your mate we're talking about. Can't you throw away your pride this one time?"

Roger exhaled after a moment. "Fine. But only because it's Luna."

He took his cell phone out and dialed the number. "Hello?" Christian answered.

"Why do you seem surprised to hear from me?" He asked in annoyance.

"No offense, but you never contact me." He explained. "Is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine." He snapped earning jabs to his side.

"Then why?" Christian asked.

Roger began to feel awkward. "I need Luna's number, so I can ask her out."

"Why didn't you get her number when you last saw her?"

"Cause I'm an idiot." He raised his voice. "Now, are you going to help me, or not?"

"Roger." Jessie reprimanded.

"Why don't you ask her right now?" Christian said. "Luckily for you, she's standing right here."

Roger hears mumbling, and then shuffling on the line before a female voice.


"Luna!" Roger shouted making his siblings laugh and his cheeks warm up. "I don't know if you remember me."

"Of course I remember you." She said. "You're Roger. Christian's youngest brother, right?"

"Right." He noticed his siblings staring at him. "Anyways, I know this is short notice and we only met once but, would you like to go out sometime?"

Worry began to sneak in when he received silence. "Luna?"

"I would love to." Luna answered. "How do you feel about Thai food?"

"Never had it before." Roger said. "But I'm willing to find out if it's food I could get into."

"Great." She spoke. "How does six at Ling-Mings sound?"

"Sounds great." He said.

"See you then."

"See you there."

"I'll put Christian back on." He heard her handing the phone back to his brother.

"I don't expect you to use this as an IOU, so with that, I'll catch you later."

"Roger." Sarah mumbled.

"Alright. And thank you." He hung up and pumped his fist in the air before Christian could say anything. "Yes!" He cheered making his siblings shake their heads.

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