❕- Apr.15

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April 15, Monday.


I walked up to Sebastian during 5/6. He looked up at me and put his headphones around his neck. I looked at him and smiled, i noticed he started glaring at me. " Sebastian..
you're glaring at me again.. "

" Sorry. " His hand accidentally touched my thigh. I looked to the side, slightly blushing. This feeling, what is it, and why do i only feel it around him? His black hair, green eyes, tan skin, and light eye bags. Everything about him i loved. He's slightly muscular, basically toned, tall, has a good style, deep voice, and his eyes almost look dead, quiet, soft skin. Shit I sound gay.

" Izan, cmon the bell rang." I spent the whole class thinking about the boy who sat next to me? my first friend in this school? I nodded and walked with him. He held my hand gently, making circles with his thumbs during our last period. My hand in his felt small. His hand was cold, and mine warmed his up. When the bell rang, he muttered in my ear that hes not gonna be at the dorm for a little while today until around 5 PM.

" Oh, okay! Well, see you later. " I smiled, and he softly smiled back. He gave me a hug, pulling me in by the waist, wrapping my arms around his neck gently while looking to the side blushing. He ruffled up my hair and walked away to his locker, putting his stuff away, his headphones blaring music while walking out the double doors. I went up to our dorm, waiting for him to come back. I did my homework while waiting for him. I had plently more, but Sebastian got back. " Hey!! " I smiled at him brightly.

" Hey. " A soft smile appeared on his face. He walked into the room, putting his stuff down and then getting changed. He took his headphones off after pausing his music and walked over to me. He put his head in my lap and looked at my homework. " Thats alot for a friday and break. " I let out a hum.


I got up and, and gently put my hand on his thigh. I saw a soft blush appear on Izan's face. A little bit went by, and the boy had his head in my lap. He was looking up at it, and i played with his hair. He was trying to figure out the answer to his math homework. " Need some help? " His brown eyes averted to me as he nodded. I smiled and sat him up. I explained everything out and wrote down little notes for him. He gave me another smile, and I looked at his lips before looking away and going back onto my phone. He moved one of my arms and put his head in my lap. He just looked up at me, I moved my hand to his hair, and he moved his head to the side. Playing with his hair, I scrolled through Tiktok. I realized it was starting to get late for him, but I waited to hear some type of snoring. I got a blanket as his body shifted to the direction his head faced. I put the blanket over him and stroked his hair slowly, turning my volume down. I picked him up and took him to his bed while he snored lightly. I looked down at him, sleeping, sitting by his side, and putting my phone in my pocket. I gently kissed his forehead and got up.

I went over to my bed and watched tiktok for a little while until he woke up. He got up and walked over the bathroom. When he finished, he walked over to me and put his head on my back, " You okay? " I felt him nod. " Let me turn. " A groan came out of him as him arms unwrapped around me, and i turned over, looking down at him. His head went straight to my chest, and he held my shirt tightly. I gently held him as he mumbled my name. I let out a hum.

" Whyd you kiss my forehead. " I looked down at him as a light blush appeared on my face. He looked up at me, curious. I shrugged and looked down at him. I stroked his hair as he slowly went back to sleep. I got up to turn the lights off, and he cuddled back up to me under my duvet when i got back in bed.

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