❕️- Dec.24

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December 24th, Tuesday


Sebastian has been a bit distant from me recently. Less hugs, kisses, cuddles, and conversations. And of course, he's been going out more. I understand christmas is tomorrow, and he's probably getting me stuff, but I just want a bit more attention.

" Sebastian..? " I looked around the dorm, not being able to find him, until I saw the familiar black hair. " Sebastian? " I notice how he quickly hid an object.

" Oh my.. Yeah? "

" Mmh.. What's that. "

" Don't worry. " He carresed my cheek and kissed me. " You'll know tomorrow. "

I smiled, letting him put whatever he had away, " Hey, uh, how come you haven't been giving me enough attention? "

" Hmm, I haven't? " He put his hands on my waist, my arms wrapped around his neck.

" No, you haven't.. "

" How about I make up for it? " He slowly pulled me close, bringing me in for a passionate kiss. I could already tell where this is going. My lungs started to burn, the kiss had lasted for about a minute now, and I needed air badly. I broke the kiss and panted, looking at him smirking down at me. He started to kiss my jawline, then my neck, then he pulled down my shirt a bit and kissed my collarbone.

I let out a whimper as he made a couple hickeys and small bite marks. Then he stopped looking at me before peppering my face in kisses. He avoided my lips until he gave me one final kiss, a passionate kiss on my lips.

" I love you, Izan. I'm sorry if in advance because I could do that again. Just know I'm just doing something for you. " I nodded. Feeling his hands going to my thighs and then he picked me up.

My legs wrapped around his waist, and he took me to our room. Throwing me on his bed. I opened my arms, and he immediately started to cuddle me. Arms wrapped around my waist, head nuzzling in my chest. " I need to wrap your presents.. "

" That can wait. " I stroked his black locks. It was shocking on how soft his hair was. You would think his hair was all knotted up, but it wasn't. I eventually started to hum and noticed how relaxed he was. I loved seeing him like this, how vulnerable he can get. He started to drift off into sleep, and I did the same a couple of minutes later.


I woke up laying on Izan's chest. It was around midnight before we fell asleep, and now all you can see outside is the snow plastered on the trees, grass, cars, other buildings in the school, etc. I went to the bathroom and showered. I was in the shower for a while. The only thing I didn't know was that Izan was awake and was waiting for a while.

I continued to wash my hair until I felt arms wrap around me. My whole body tensed up until I heard Izan's voice. " Relax.. I only came in here because you were taking forever. " His cheek rested on the back of my shoulder.

" Merry Christmas. " I mumbled, turning around after finishing washing my hair. I also turned him around, pulling his waist towards me. His back hit my chest, and I kissed the back of his neck and his shoulders.

" Merry Christmas.. "

" Want me to wash you, or are you gonna do it yourself? "

" I'll do it myself.. "

" Okay.. Well, I'm done, so have fun. " I gave him a quick peck on the lips and got out. putting a towel around my waist. I grabbed a white graphic tee, grey sweats, and white socks. I put on my black nike slides. Going to the room I had Izan's presents in. I wrapped up the last one and grabbed them. I placed them on the couch and went to the kitchen. I started to cook some breakfast for him. Izan came out dressed and sat at the island in the kitchen.

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