❕- Jun.2

8 0 2

June 2, Sunday

Izan hugged me from behind, I slowly moved my hands above his. " Yes, Izan? "

" I'm tired. "

" Can't help. "

" You can cuddle me, though. "

" You can cuddle a pillow. " He held me tighter. I felt him breathing on my shoulder.

" Sebastian. "

" Hmm? "

" I love you. "

" I love me too. "

" .. You're annoying. " He let me go and went to sit down on the couch, but I grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards me. My hand moved to his waist, " What? "

" I love you too. " I kissed him gently. Feeling his arms wrap around my neck to deepen the kiss. I felt him smile after a bit, and then we broke it. " You can go sit down now. " He didn't move , He moved his hands to my chest. Letting my warmth engulf hum.

" You're still annoying. " He muttered. He rested his head on my chest for a while until I kissed the top of his head and muttered in his ear.

" Go to bed, baby. I know you're tired. "

" Will you cuddle with me if I do? " I nodded, and he smiled, going to the room and laying in his bed. I hurried up with what I was doing and then made my way to the bedroom. I saw him on his side facing away from me. I slowly walked over to him and got under the duvet and sheets with him, my arms slithering around his waist as my head went to the crook of his neck.

The best part about these dorms is that the school is letting us stay over the summer. Their reasoning? because they took almost 4 years to build the shit. Ever since i was in middle school, they've been building them, and they finally finished it. So, that's the only good part. I finally came but to realty to see Izan looking at me.

" Sebastian, you okay? "

" Yeah. " I pulled him closer and cuddled him until he fell asleep. He mumbled my name a couple of times. I stroked his hair and just held him until my phone rang. I got out of bed, and then I picked it up. I went to the other room to not wake Izan up.

" Hello? "

" Sebastian? " When i heard my mothers voice, I just grew irritated, knowing she's just wasting my time.

" Yes? "

" Can you come- "

" No. I can't. "

" Sebastian Mendoza, you do not cut your own mo- "

" Mom, I'm not trying to get a lecture, nor am i going to help you with something you are capable of doing. "

" You little shit! I wasted all of my time on you, i paid for your school, clothes—.. " and she just went on. To her, I owe everything all because she had to do basic gaurdian things.

" Sebastian..? " I looked over to my left and turned my volume down, putting my phone down. I walked over to him and gently hugged him.

" Hey.. why are you up? " I kissed the top of his head as he rubbed his eye. then put his head on my chest, I fixed the blanket he wrapped around himself and then turned on the heat for him.

" I heard you talking. Who are you on the phone with? "

" My mom, baby. " I held him in silence until i heard screaming coming from my phone, then I grabbed it.


" What. "

" Where the hell did you go! "

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