❕️- Oct.30

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I made this chapter fluff cs i felt bad 4 the last one. I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable.

October 30, Thursday


I felt arms wrap around my waist, a head nuzzling into my shoulder. " Izan? "

" Huh.. " His voice sounded groggy. I heard him clear his throat a bit. " Yeah..? "

" When did you wake up? "

" Just a little ago.. why weren't you in bed..? " I looked over at the time. '3:43' is what it said.

" I couldn't sleep. " I put my hands on top of his. His hands fit perfectly in mine, I grabbed one of them and kissed the back of it. " You should go back to sleep.. " I felt him loosen his grip. I turned around when his head lifted from my back.

" Come back to bed then.. " I looked down at him. Looking into the brown eyes, I oh so loved. I kissed him and picked him up by his thighs, his legs wrapped around my waist. " Mmh.. why are you always so warm.. " I shrugged before taking him to our room.

" Are you gonna lay in your bed or my bed? "

" Yours.. " I nodded and laid him down in my bed. Kissing his forehead and stroking his cheek before going to my side. I pulled him to my chest. His back pressed against my chest, I kissed his jawline a little and his neck. Rubbing his bare waist, His skin on mine.

I love him so much.

I would do anything for him.

After that day in August, I promised him I won't let anything else happen.

I still apologize to him, i don't want to remind him, but lord, I feel so bad for losing him like that.



I woke up as my alarm went off. I felt him stir up a little bit while he woke up. I left it on for a bit to wake him up, I turned it off after a minute. I got up and put the blanket back over Izan.


Sebastian walked to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, showered, blow dried his hair, and fixed it before walking out and noticing Izan sleeping still. " Izan. " Sebastian muttered. Walking over to the sleeping boy, Sebastian lightly shaked him, trying to wake Izan up. " Mmh.. You better not get mad after this. " Sebastian slowly put the boy on his back and gently got on top of him. Grabbing Izan's face and kissing every single area on the poor boy's face.

" Hey.. Stop.. " Izan tried getting Sebastian to stop kissing him.

" Wake up then. " Sebastian stopped and looked at Izan. Izan's eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the light while his hands went to Sebastian's hips. " Izann.. wake up. " Sebastian got close to his face and gave him a peck on his lips. Pulling away quickly and stroking his cheek. Izan blushed a bit, Sebastian's deep voice always had him feel some type of way. Sure, his voice is monotoned, but it sounded amazing either way.

" Get off.. your heavy.. "

" Mmh, no. Plus, I dont even weigh a lot. "

" Yes, you do.. "

" Yeah, okay, even if i do weigh a lot, it's not even fat. it's just muscle. "

" Mmhm.. "

" Yuh huh, you watch me work out every day, and you're always blushing every time. " Izan looked away, blushing. Sebastian smirked, " See, you know it's true. " Izan looked at the shirtless man on him, looking at his toned torso.

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