❕️- JAN. 1

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January 1st, Monday

' My body looks.. weird.. ,' Sebastian thought. Yeah, okay, he gained muscle. He was toned, but in his eyes, it wasn't enough. " Sebastian? " Izan called out. Sebastian's head snapped towards the brunnete, his face soften seeing him.

Sebastian walked towards the boy and mumbled a soft yes, " What's wrong? " Izan asked as Sebastian clung to him a bit.

" Nothing.. " Izan shivered from the cold male touching him. " Am I cold? " Izan nodded. Sebastian was guided to the bed, Izan letting the slightly taller male cuddle him, " You're so warm.. " Izan smiled. The blanket was placed over the both of them, Izan knew he may get too warm, but it was Sebastian.

" Just sleep, I can tell you're tired. " Sebastian chuckled and fell asleep. Izan watched a movie and half of a show but fell asleep with Sebastian. Hours passed. They slept the whole night.


Sebastian woke up early, around 4 A.M. He gently rubbed Izan's waist, adjusting the two, so Izan was lying on top of him. Sebestian rubbed circles on Izan's back slowly with one hand, playing with hair the other. He smiled while watching the male sleep . Yeah, it seemed weird, but he didn't mean it in a weird way.

Izan started to squirm around, waking up slowly. " mmmh, Sebastian.. " he yawned. Sebastian hummed in response, " When did you wake up..? "

" A little bit before you.. "

" Oh. " Izan hid his face in Sebastian's chest. He slowly adjusted himself and sat in Sebastian's lap, " Do we have to do anything today? " Izan mumbled.

Sebastian gently placed his hands on Izan's hips, Sebastian shook his head and sat up a bit, resting his head on Izan's shoulder. Izan stroked his hair slowly, " Im still tired.. " Sebastian muttered on Izan's neck.

" You can go back to sleep? "

Sebastian stayed quiet for a moment, " Okay.. " Izan was gonna get up, but Sebastian wouldn't let him go. " Just stay with me for a bit.. you can leave when I fall asleep. " Izan nodded. They slowly got into a comfortable position, and Izan waited for Sebastian to fall asleep, which happened quickly.


Sebastian fell asleep quickly while I played with his hair. I smiled and got up, I slowly got ready and tried to be quiet.

Recently, Sebastian has been eating less and sleeping more. Honestly, I want to help, but he rarely expresses his feelings. If he does, it's because I made him. Forcing him doesn't feel right, but if I don't, he won't express anything at all.

I got into the shower, washing my body and my hair. I got done and dried myself, changing into some comfortable clothes and watching Sebastian sleep for a bit before going to make breakfast. A pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist, head resting in between my neck and shoulder.

Sebestian pressed his lips on my neck gently, kissing my sweet spot for a bit. I let out a short breathy moan, and he rested his head back in the same spot. He slowly breathed on my neck, " Sebastian, I thought you were asleep? " I mumbled.

" I was, but you weren't too quiet. " His hands lifted my shirt, and he rested his arms on my bare waist. I shivered a bit, " And.. It's easy to tell when you leave because you're my heater. " He softly chuckled, bringing a smile to my face.

" I haven't heard that in a while. "

" What do you mean? "

" You laugh, I haven't heard it in a while." I looked at him on my shoulder. He blinked a couple of times before mumbling a small 'oh'.


I gently leaned on him, looking at what he's making. " That's a lot, my love. Who else are you cooking for? "

" You. "

" Huh? "

Izan looked at me, " You haven't been eating properly recently and . . . " My eyes went wide as I dissociated from the topic.

He noticed? When did he start noticing? Is that all he started to notice? Is there anything else?

" Sebastian, " Izan stroked my cheek, " Come, come eat with me. " He said with a small smile.

" Okay. " I sat down at the kitchen island with him, he handed me my plate, then I slowly ate. " This is good. "

" Thank you. " He continued to eat with a small smile. I continued to slowly eat, picking at my food while chewing. I eventually finished and washed the dishes while Izan clung to me until, " Sebastian. "

" Yes? "

" How come you've been eating less? "


The room fell silent after Sebastian turned the water off. The silence felt tense, so tense to the point where Izans felt it. " ..I, " Izan looked up while Sebastian tried to find a cover-up. Sebastian sighed, " I just don't have much of an appetite anymore, I still eat either way. " Izan nodded and rested his head back onto Sebastian's shoulder.

" If there's something else going on, then please tell me when you need to. " Sebastian hummed in response. " And by the way.. I think you're going to the gym way too much. You have enough muscle, baby. " Sebastian turned around and shook his head, embracing Izan gently.


" Hey.. Can you tell me about that business your dad owns? " Sebastian looked at Izan confused.

" My dad's? "

" Yeah. "

" Are you talking about our family business? " Izan nodded with a small smile. " Oh, that's my business. " Sebastian looked away and watched TV while Izan looked shocked.

" What. "

" Yeah.. I thought I told you that "

" You said you worked there. You didn't say you owned the place! "

" Oh, sorry. " Sebastian kissed his forehead slowly. " But why do you want to know about it? "

" Because you make a lot from it. "

" I know. "

" Can you tell me more about your past? " Sebastian blinked a couple of times, and slowly, he eventually nodded.

" So where do you want me to start? "

" How far can you remember? "

" Like.. 4? "

" Then there. "

" Okay.. so.. "

Next chapter soon!

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