Chapter 5: Trek To Jungle Kingdom

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Back at the castle Koopa prepares for a wedding for him and Peach in Kamek's lab. Where Kamek works with a potion creation set up with another reptile that looks similar to him but is wearing red instead of blue.

Koopa: Kamek have you finished the potion yet?

Kamek: No sire. Potion making is a very delicate process.

Red robed Magikoopa: We've been working on it for a few minutes, we got to make sure there's enough of a Super Mushroom.

Kamek: My assistant has a point, mushrooms are an important part of any potion sire.

Red robed Magikoopa: Yes but it has to be a red mushroom not a green one.

Koopa: Why is that?

Kamek: Because sire it will cancel out the effects of the potion.

Koopa: Fine, just let me know when the potion is ready. This wedding has to happen within four days or less as that's when the dimension bridge is at its strongest.

Kamek: Yes my lord.

Koopa walks out onto the balcony of his castle where his blue shelled general who is ordering troops is standing.

Koopa: General Mugger, any news from the Goombas we've sent to the Mushroom Kingdom?

Mugger: Yes, the two human plumbers who call themselves Mario and Luigi have arrived there and are going to see the Kong's with the help of two Toadstoolians. I believe it's to rescue the Yeelah princess, your highness.

Koopa: Are you sure? Or are you just saying that based on an assumption? I want you to send the Hammer Bros. after them!

Mugger: Yes, my lord.

Mugger leaves and Kamek comes out of his lab and onto the balcony where Koopa is.

Kamek: Sire, the potion is ready.

Koopa: About time. Tell Beedleman to take it to her.

Kamek: Yes, king. Beedleman go give the potion to the princess.

Beedleman (O.S): Yes kamek.

Peach sits in her room trying to figure a way out of it. Beedleman walks in with a drink for her. This is not a drink though it's a potion but not just any kind though, it's a love potion.

Beedleman: Here's a drink for you soon to be queen.

Peach: What are you talking about?

Beedleman: Why, the king has already said that he wants you to be his bride. He had me make you a drink to make you comfortable. Take it, it's special.

Peach: Well, I don't want it.

Beedleman: I insist it's a custom of the Koopa clan. Take it.

Peach reluctantly takes the "drink" out of Beedleman's claws and sets it down on the table. Mugger goes into the barracks and walks over to the Hammer Bros.

Mugger: King Koopa has requested that I tell you to go after the humans in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Hammer Bros: Yes sir.

The Hammer Bros. salute to their general and grab bags with hammers, axes and boomerangs leave the barracks with Mugger in front of them and they approach a small airship which the Hammer Bros. with their gear board and leave. The four heroes set out to the Kong Kingdom but are ambushed by the four Hammer Bros. on the outskirts of the Mushroom Kingdom.

Hammer Bro 1: In the name of King Koopa, we arrest you!

Mario: What the hell are those?

Hammer Bro 2: Surrender immediately.

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