Rescue mission

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"The person missing is a semi grade one sorcerer called Makoto Tameki. He was send into this former underground Yakuza base after a group of kids who went in without permission called the police, they heard strange noises and a friend of them dissapiered. When Mister Tameki went in we immediately lost contact to him." Ijichi breifs Y/N

"So an incomplete domain?" Y/N asks leaning against a house wall

It is dead of night. Nearing midnight, the sky is clear and stars sparkle in the skies. But there was one thing Y/N didn't like about this.

"Since when do they send me alone to save a sorcerer? I thought they don't trust me with that stuff?" Y/N asks

Ijichi sighes looking a bit onto the asphalt of the street.

"Firstly, since it's highly likely an incomplete domain is at work, that would mean a special grade curse is probably in there, the higher ups don't think Takemi is still alive. They hope you can rescue him, but you are only expected to confirm his death." Ijichi starts

Y/N takes a small toothpick out of one of his pockets and starts to chew on it.

"I see, and Secondly?" Y/N asks

"Secondly the only one capable of taking that on besides you would be Satoru Gojo and he is ignoring all the calls at the moment." Ijichi tells him

Y/N deadpans then sighes.

"I guess it fits that bastard well. Doesn't really care shit about others. Only a select few, the rest he only cares about if it benefits him." Y/N says pushing himself of the wall

Ijichi watches the human looking curse closely.

"You don't really care either though, am I wrong?" He asks

"Huh? Course no, I'm a curse why should I?" Y/N shrugs

Ijichi scratches his head.

"Fair point I guess." Ijichi says

"After all no one expects me to care, so why should I struggle to play make believe?" Y/N asks looking up in the sky

"I guess." Ijichi says looking up as well

The starts were really beautiful, the spot they where in is slightly outside the city. It's quite and peacefull rarely even the sound of a car.

"Well then I'll head in, the longer I wait the more likely out man is dead." Y/N says taking out the toothpick and flicking it to the ground

"Don't forget to at least confirm the death of the boy and our sorcerer!" Ijichi tells him

"Yeah yeah, and you don't forget the veil. Capiche?" Y/N retords opening the door to the former hideout

Entering the place one thing was certain.

"Blegh! This place smell like shit! It's so bad I can almost taste it!" Y/N exclaimes as he closes the door behind him

Looking left and right down the rundown walls, it looks like ink is flowing out of every vent and the ground is completely covered with ink, but even though the ink is constantly flowing the ink on the ground isn't rising.

"And here I hoped I could stay clean today." Y/N mutters stepping into the ink

He takes out his phone again. No reception.

"Pretty good. Already inside a domain, but this domain is pretty sloppy." Y/N mutters running his hand along the wall

As he goes on, one thing is clear going along the ground will not be silent but Y/N simply wasn't in the mood to use cursed energy simply to 'float'. After some time Y/N reaches a crossroad. Looking ahead everything looks like before, same on the right. On the left however he sees the skeletal remains and left over muscle tissue of someone burned into the wall.

(Boundaries of reality) JJK x Male! Curse! readerWhere stories live. Discover now