Incidents following Incidents

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... This day could go very wrong...

'All you need do, is make them believe you. This way we will have enough time.' Reikon says

'Easier said then done, when it's also possible they don't even offer us anything and just start attacking!' Hanketsu exclaimes

"I'll see what I get once I can enter." Y/N sighes

Y/N looks down at his phone... Oktober 30th... It felt... Strange, like something dreadful is approaching.

"You can enter!" A stern voice shouts from inside

"Alright, let's do this." Y/N breathes out then he opens the door

The mood inside the building is gloomy, it's apparent that the higher ups are sad as well... But also scared.

'They know what they where supposed to do!' Hanketsu claims

'Calm it Hanketsu, he needs to concetrate.' Reikon remarks

"...Y/N in face of the late passing of Emi..." One of the higher ups starts

"Who you were supposed to defend." Y/N comments

"... What should we have done? The cursed spirit named as Jogo is far to strong for anyone that was here! Gojo wasn't in house." Another higher up exclaims

"If you ask me you guys should have stopped him with your life. You could maybe have survived long enough so that I could save her." Y/N states crossing his arms

"We... We know we have dissapointed you... You have to understand our failure, we are just foolish humans ourselves... But we would offer you a new contract now that the old one died with her with new freedoms in return, as an apology." One of them tells him

How dirty, even when they try to play nice, they still manipulate. Using her death against him...

"The least you could do, would be to give me some time to think... This all Happened so recent, I need to think about it." Y/N sighes

"That we can do, but no longer than a day. These are uncertain times. We need to have some certainty these days." Gakuganji states

"How generous... But I'll take it... Thank you." Y/N Bowes

'This is so far below us...' Hanketsu states

'Silent.' Reikon tells him

"We wish you some ease of mind, and hope to hear your decision soon." One of them says

"Bye." Y/N says leaving the room

'This went pretty well didn't it?' he asks

'It's about what we needed.' Reikon says

"Then let's wait for tonight." Y/N sighes putting his hands in his pockets and walking to his place

Emi was his contract holder... She was the only one he trusted enough to bind himself like this. But now?... Never not with them.


As night falls and dawn returns, every sorcerer is awoken by a dreadful message.


We higher ups hereby announce the reality curse as an enemy. After the death of the contract holder. He went on to steal the cursed object 'cursed dragons vision'. Which means not only is he an enemy, but he can use it to regain his full power any minute. Tread carefully sorcerers! A new powerful enemy is on the field!'

"Finally! I feared he grows weak and goodhearted like you!" Sukuna laughed as Yuji reads the message

"Shut it!" Yuji shouts

(Boundaries of reality) JJK x Male! Curse! readerWhere stories live. Discover now