The emerging dragon

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The fight between the sorcerers and Sukuna's followers halts, as the ground starts to quake. Pseudo-Geto looks up into the horizon of the destroyed Shibuya and grins.

"What is going on!?" Itadori shouts

"Sounds like something big!" Tsukumo tells them

"What else have you planned Noritoshi Kamo!?" Choso questions

"This? It is beyond my planning. But it is a welcome addition." He smiles

"You've got to be kidding me! I killed him!" Uraume shouts

"Did you check his pockets?" 'Geto' asks

The quaking doesn't stop, as a building shatters and pieces of debris fly through the air.

"Who are they talking about!?" Panda asks

"They can only be talking about one person!" Itadori exclaimes turning around

Through the dust and debris, six eyes glow a bright white and blue. Moving around realigning, refocusing.

"But what is that!?" Itadori jumps

"As lies unweave and the weak are forgotten reality emerges on as nothing but the victors! And in between it rose! The reality hydra Genjitsu, Reikon and Hanketsu!" 'Geto' announces putting his arms out forward as if offering the giant emerging silhouette a hug

"Uraume! We are not done here!" A deep bellowing voice shouts angrily ripping the air with it's judgement

"We are only at the beginning, as the day to dawn, your death is nigh." A female voice whispers through the wind yet still raveling through their souls

Loud quaking slow steps, as the giant body of the hydra steps forward into the crater that once was the middle of Shibuya. The sorcerers in the midst of old enemies meeting unsure which of their sides to guard.

"Genjitsu! It has been a while since we met!" 'Geto' greets the hydra

"Enough!" The middle head shouts it's voice followed by a force it could shatter reality

"You talk like a snake body thief." Reikon states

"You have been watching for a while!" Hanketsu exclaimes

"We felt you. But it we couldn't put a finger on who you were. It had been to long." Genjitsu states as the middle head lowers itself towards the humans and the panda

"Y/N?! What happened to you?!" Itadori exclaimes

"Why are we even still here! We need to leave now!" Kusakabe shouts

"You are looking at the vile beasts true form vessel." Uraume states

"I would have preferred to keep this hidden for longer, but you forced my hand Uraume." Y/N breathes out heavy through his nostrils

The other two heads lower down slightly.

"I believe you all were fighting before we arrived." Reikon states

"How about we join in!?" Hanketsu asks opening his maw the blue scales along his neck and his face lighting up as the gaping darkness of his mouth turns a light blue

"That light, you split the head of a mountain with that attack once didn't you?" 'Geto' asks

"You idiot, we need to go!" Uraume shouts at 'Geto'

"No, I want to see if he is still as capable as he was even after all those years on hiatus." 'Geto' tells her

"Can't you sense the cursed energy!?" Uraume questions

(Boundaries of reality) JJK x Male! Curse! readerWhere stories live. Discover now