The vessel of Ryomen Sukuna

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The next morning Y/N woke up and checked his messages. What he got is quite a delight to read.

'Until further notice, you will accompany Sukunas vessel. You will make sure if Sukuna does come out again that you try your utmost to keep everyone alive. And if necessary kill the vessel. Fulfill your Duties and stand by for further notice.'

Oh now this was fun. Y/N had hoped he could at least meet the newly imprisoned Sukuna, but no! He will be accompying him! Immediately Y/N washed himself and clothed himself and is now on the way to principle Yaga's building. Without a doubt the Vessel would probably be having the interview at the moment. It is a wonderful day, only a few clouds in the skies, the sun is down but it's only nicely warm not burning hot. And as Y/N had guessed there are Gojo and a pink haired boy leaving the building.

"... That is... Strange. He already has quite the resemblance to him.......... Could his resemblance and his control of Sukuna have the same core reason?" Y/N mutters to himself

"Ah! Y/N to what do I owe the pleasure?" Gojo greets him

"To what do you owe the pleasure to meet the better teacher huh? Well the higher ups decided I'll be the failsafe to Sukunas Vessel." Y/N mocks him

"Hey! If something happens I can step in!" Gojo sounded somewhat hurt

"Oh yeah? Then what exactly was the reason for the boy becoming a vessel? Let me guess you were absent and had the Fushiguru boy do your work?" Y/N asks

"Eh..." Gojo sweatdrops

The pink haired boy, doesn't say a word and only looks at the two men.

"Now hold the fuck up! Don't tell me that is you Genjitsu!" Sukuna suddenly shouts to which Y/N looks over at the boy

A small mouth appeared on the boys cheek with an extra eye, Sukuna.

"Well you hit the nail on the head! Well I had to say I was quite surprised to hear you got suppressed by a 15 year old boy." Y/N laughes

"Well I'm surprised you enslaved yourself to Jujustu sorcerer society!" Sukuna shouts

"It's not so bad actually. The full stress to fend for your own was fun, but if you exist for as long as I have as a living thing not an object, it still tends to become stale. I have a pretty quite live now considering to before I did this contract. They even pay for my food and I can still have some fights, although most of them are extremely weak! I hope your arrival will allow me to have some interesting battles again." Y/N smiles

"You sound like an old man!" Sukuna mocks him

"Well at least I lived long enough to do so." Y/N retords

"Alright scratch that Gojo! If I get control of this boy I'll start with Mister blue hair over here!" Sukuna shouts

Gojos expression turns to one of fake shock.

"What!? Oh man." Gojo whines

"Well S'kuna are we going to keep bickering? Or do you wish to do something productive? The food in this world has evolved quite a bit and there is somthing called electricity, maybe you have to get that in your new apartment." Y/N says knocking on the boys head to which Sukuna only dissapiers with a 'fuck off'

"Oh Mister Genjitsu! I haven't introduced myself yet! I'm Yuji Itadory! I like girls like-" Itadori starts

"Now hold up boy, don't care who or what you like. You can have a intimate relationship with your hands all I care about. What's important is you, what you are capable of and how far you are willing to go. And that starts with you not calling me Genjitsu, I don't use that name anymore." Y/N tells Itadori

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