Taking position

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"What is your plan?" Reikon questions as Y/N steps through the mostly empty streets

"Continuing to gather points. We don't need to actively search for targets, they will come soon enough. But I plan to gather enough so I can set rules if I need to." Y/N states

Stepping over the dead body of a sorcerer. Someone with a weak technique who was quite ahead of himself. Y/N had mashed his skull with one simple punch to the side of the head. He didn't even have enough cursed energy to withstand that.

"Well that won't be to hard! What do we need as a precaution? A few hundred? With all these newbies walking around that'll be a cakewalk!" Hanketsu laughes

"With what Kenjaku has done, it's a given new sorcerers arise and jump in to test their strengths." Reikon whispers

Y/N walks past a wall filled with blood and bits of meat. A sorceress with a counter type technique, testing if she could counter a black hole from Y/N... She could not.

"Given that Kenjaku claims to have revived old sorcerer though. It will only be a matter of time for the easy targets to be eradicated." Y/N states

Streams of wind hushing past Y/N, sharp enough to cut through lampposts on the side, but hitting Y/N it simply swings his head back and forth. A young sorceress crawling away from Y/N, scared down to her very soul.

"WHAT ARE YOU!? NO STAY AWAY FROM ME! PLEASE LEAVE ME BE!" She screams continuing her barrage of wind attacks

"What are we going to do, when Hakari's man can retrieve her?" Reikon questions

Y/N stops walking towards the woman.

"We focus the strands and weave her back." Y/N states as more winds push his lose clothes back and forth

"But how do we plan to know, when he has done his job!?" Hanketsu asks

"He will text us?" Y/N says I'm a voice questioning the other two

A moment of silence. The woman on the ground starts to slowly stands up, looking at Y/N.

"To be honest I still tend to forget about these things..." Reikon mutters

"..." Hanketsu doesn't say a word

The woman looks left and right, then to her back. She takes one last look at Y/N then turns around starting to run away.

Y/N face palms with one hand, and makes a swiping movement with the other. A cut appearing on the woman's legs, cutting them both off immediately, sending her crashing to the ground hitting her head on the pavement.

"Surrounded by idiots..." Y/N mutters as the woman screams in pain, trying to pull herself away leaving a trail of blood

"Idiot's!? Sorry we weren't allowed to fully witness the movement of the ages! You where pretty much alone with that!" Hanketsu gets worked up

"Calm down would you?" Y/N asks walking up to the woman

As she hears his steps she turns around with a scared and pained face. Only to be met with the sole of Y/N's' shoe. Crushing and splattering, then silence.

"Five points added." The little game guide exclaims

Y/N turns around looking back at the street filled with blood and bodies.

"You have reached 100 points!" The flying thing announces

"20 kills in." Y/N states

"The itadori boy isn't going to like that." Reikon comments

"He will have to learn!" Hanketsu exclaimes

Y/N takes a look left and right, looking if he had missed a sorcerer. Then he went on.

"We will only kill if they attacked first, or if it's necessary, for now. Who knows what Kenjaku is planning." Y/N states starting to walk off

"Do you think the kids were able to get through Hakari's stubborn head?" Reikon asks

"I hope so for them. They will need him. He could be their best shot if they stand against someone like Uraume." Y/N states

"Uraume she won't kill Itadori! He is Sukunas vessel you idiot!" Hanketsu exclaimes

"He is for now. But my guess Sukuna is planning something and he hardly will be alone with that with Kenjaku and Uraume around." Y/N states

"You say it like you couldn't take care of that for them easily." Reikon says

Y/N stand still, he looks down at his hand, then he turns back to the alley he just came from, reaching out and soon the dead and anything they had left disappeared.

"I have something else I have to face soon. Something I have pushed back for far too long." Y/N states he looks to the side of the road he was now walking next to, down to the water he could see thousands and thousands of eyes staring back at him

"How long are we talking?" Reikon asks as Y/N stand there at the side, hands in his pockets staring back at the eyes

"Since about the heian era I believe." Y/N states

"If I might ask... What the hell are you staring at the water for!?" Hanketsu shouts

Y/N looks back up onto the empty streets.

"Nothing, just a little reminder of the past." Y/N states as he continues to walk

"You are making no sense!" Hanketsu exclaimes

Reikon staying silent, probably trying to guess what Y/N means.

"A player had added a new rule to the game! You can now look at players names, their team, points and added rules!" The fly announces

"Well someone is getting quite worked up huh?" Y/N states

Reaching for the little thing to take a look at the player list that was now accessible.


Kashimo is sitting in front of a dead sorcerer he had just killed.

"Now let's see. Where are you Sukuna and Genjitsu. I'm just dying to fight one of you two! To believe I'll ever get the chance to!" Kashimo says with a smile on his face

Finally he could go and see, he could try to find his match. Finally someone that could possibly beat him. Something he had yearned for all of his life.

*Back with finally another update! Since my friend and I are reading the manga together, there are bound to be moments where we can only read on more slowly. But I will continue to update as soon as I believe to have enough information to write on! I wish everyone a wonderful day!

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