Puppet playing puppeteer

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Y/N stands in the room of higher ups, sorounded by their paper walls.

"Let us continue with your Mission then." One of them says

"Multiple sorcerers have disappeared before we could confirm what is going on at that house." Another one continues

"Since Gojo has other things to take care of and we can be sure destruction is something you are well acquainted with as well, you were our best pick." Yet another one continues

"We know nearly nothing of what the puppet curse is capable of, but what we know is, your highest order do not get taken yourself and... Eradicate them all." Yet again another one finishes

"Is that clear?" Gakuganji asks

"Loud and clear. Anything else? Minimum of destruction, veil or something like that?" Y/N asks slowly spinning around as to 'look at them all'

"A veil would be preferable but not necessary since there is nearly no live anywhere near the building and for destruction, for all the we know you can destroy the whole mansion if necessary. No one owns it anymore, but the government would like to keep it intact to possibly get it back into the market. But you still can destroy it if necessary." The first one says

"Ah right... You guys nowadays prefer to buy 'ransacked buildings' instead of newly furnished one right? Because of some karma shit or something like that pretty much fucking the whole rea estate if I'm correct." Y/N laughes

"That is not important reality curse." The second one tells him

"Hey old guys, do you think there is a real estate curse somewhere out there? Or like a stock market curse? These things are pretty scary as far as I've heard!" Y/N asks bursting out laughing

"That's enough reality curse. An assistant is waiting for you outside, get acquainted, you two will be driving for a few hours." Gakuganji tells him

Y/N puts his hands up.

"Alright alright, I'll be going you old buzz kills! Afraid a little laughing will kick you off the edge?" Y/N asks leaving the room


Arriving outside, a tall man in about his thirties is leaning against a car, a cigar in his mouth.

"You... Y... Y/N?" He asks not taking the cigar out of his mouth

"Yeah, and you?" Y/N asks

"Ryuji Takanada, we will be driving for a while, and will be eating at a small steakhouse at the edge of Tokyo at about 6-6:30PM depending on traffic." Takanada says opening the car door

"You sound pretty well planned." Y/N says entering the car

"Better than to run blindly into a wall." Takanada retords entering the car as well

"Only wondering how you will react when things dont go to plan. Are you good at improv or will you falter to the challenge?" Y/N asks grinning

"I'm the fucking driver not a fighter like you, if push comes to shove I run or I die. Am a getaway driver after all. Dont really care what goes down in battle." He sighes breathing out smoke

Takanada starts the car and begins to drive of.

"You got an interesting cursed technique or somethin'?" Y/N asks laying his head in his palms

"Yeah of course." Takanada says staring onto the road

"Well? What is it?" Y/N asks

"You believed me?" Takanada questions raising an eyebrow

(Boundaries of reality) JJK x Male! Curse! readerWhere stories live. Discover now