Chapter 64- Varian's Promise

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As quickly as we can, Varian and I pack up our supplies and prepare to journey to the castle to help Rapunzel defeat Zhan Tiri. According to the people who stayed behind, Rapunzel and Eugene led their small army of brave Coronians back to the castle about twelve hours ago to assemble the portal and save our home. Now that Varian has recovered his strength, we prepare to join them.

As I pack my supplies, a growing feeling of trepidation gnaws at my insides. Aside from needing to stop Cassandra and take back Corona, we still need to defeat Zhan Tiri before she does who knows what. Sure, the portal worked when Demanitus used it, but how do we know it will work after all this time? Not to even mention the fact that Varian wasn't the one who built the portal because of his injuries, so it could very well not work.

As I throw my bow over my shoulder, a flash of lightheadedness flickers across my senses, and I stumble forward a bit. Varian is at my side in milliseconds, steadying me like a rock. "Whoa whoa whoa, careful there, Angel. You okay?" He checks.

"Y-yeah." I nod as the feeling fades away. "That was weird." My eyes dart toward the window, where outside a golden glow of the setting sun leaks through the trees and casts bright rays of light onto the forest floor. "We'd better get going. I don't want to be out after dark, especially not with the brotherhood roaming around." I tightly clutch the strap of my quiver and look at Varian. I feel a pang of regret when I see the scar that travels across his left eye, courtesy of the brotherhood. I was thankfully able to heal his eye enough so he could still see, but the sundrop's power couldn't wipe away the scar left behind. I already know that scar will serve as a constant reminder of the brotherhood.

Varian steals another glance out the window. "Are you sure we can make it back to the palace by nightfall?"

"We have to try. I don't just want to sit here and do nothing while my kingdom is risking their lives fighting against an ancient demon."

"And you think I want that? (Yn), my dad went with them. Everyone I care about is in danger, but we have to be smart. We can't just rush into an unsafe situation."

I cross my arms over my chest. "Well then what do you propose?"

Varian reaches into his backpack and pulls out a vial of neon blue liquid. Glancing at Ruddiger, he smirks. "Alchemy, of course."


"WHOO-HOO!!" I cheer as Ruddiger, now transformed into a massive raccoon beast dashes through the forest and toward the castle. Varian and I sit on his back as he travels through the sunlit woods, my hands tightly wrapped around Varian's waist from behind so as to not fall off the creature. I beam as we fly through the trees, and I can't help but feel exhilarated from the rush. I can't recall a time where I've traveled faster than the speed Ruddiger is going. Part of me wishes the ride didn't have to end.

"How did you learn to do this?!?" I ask Varian.


"I said, 'HOW DID YOU LEARN TO DO THIS?!'" I shout. I suddenly feel Varian's body stifle itself and I realize I asked the wrong question. " don't have to answer that," I speak into his ear.

"No, no, it's okay." He takes a breath and tugs some of Ruddiger's gray fur to slow him down. "I had the idea back before the battle. You were in Old Corona at the time, but I developed a growth serum and laced it with that personality-changing potion to induce rage into its user. I then used it on Ruddiger to turn him into a beast and send a message of power to your parents. It's not one of my proudest moments..."

I squeeze him from behind and lean my head against his back. "You're not that person anymore, Var," I tell him. "You're good."

"I know." He says with a gentle smile. "I have a special girl to thank for that."

I blush. "I only helped a little bit. You chose to change."

"Either way, I'm glad you chose to give me another chance. I couldn't have done any of this without you, Angel."

"I'm so proud of you."

"Y'know, I am too."

I hold him closer, knowing he truly believes those words.


When we arrive at the palace, the earth is dark. I realize it's not from the night however, it's being caused by an eclipse. The sky is a portentous shade of red caused by the moon blocking the sun, and it casts a crimson glow onto everything the light touches. The atmosphere reminds me of a blazing fire, a force determined to destroy everything it touches. I grip onto Varian tighter as a bad feeling begins to nest itself in my gut. "So that's what Cass meant when she said 'the eclipse is upon us.'" I mutter.

Varian glances at me as Ruddiger comes to a halt in front of the castle's front door. "What?"

"When Cassandra captured me, she mentioned something about an eclipse coming. This must be what she was referring to." I explain.

My boyfriend's eyebrows furrow together as he thinks it over. "It's so dark because the light of the sun is being overshadowed...maybe the eclipse is causing a power shift. Rapunzel's powers were always stronger than the moonstone, but maybe the sun drop is being weakened from the eclipse." I notice his gaze shift to the moon as the realization hits him. "That's why she wanted the battle to be today...the moonstone is stronger than the sun drop."

"You're right..." I nervously glance at Varian, worry in my eyes. As he meets my gaze, his blue eyes suddenly shift to teal. I can't help but notice the golden glow in my irises in the reflection of his eyes. "We need to stop her before it's too late."

"Yeah," He replies and then pauses for a moment. He slowly takes my hands in his own and I stare at his scared face. " case we don't make it out of this, I just-"

I shake my head. "Don't say that. We're going to be okay. And when this is all over...we're going to go back to Old Corona together and go on a real date. One free of ancient demons, castle walls, and guilt." Tears prick my eyes as we gaze at one another, love, desperation, hope, and fear on our faces. "We'll find a nice field to lay full of the most beautiful flowers...and we'll bring ham sandwiches." I laugh through the lump forming in my throat. "We'll watch the clouds turn into stars, and even though we'll be in trouble for staying out so late...we won't regret a thing."

"I would love that." Varian chuckles a bit and quickly wipes tears from his glowing eyes. "Let's do it." He then graces me with a smile that shines brighter than the sun, the kind of smile that I'd give up anything and everything to see again. It's a smile that reminds me that everything we've been through was worth it and that Varian is undoubtedly the love of my entire existence.



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