Crazy Paparazzi

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On her way home to her house in Nashville the blonde women has buried her one hand in her gorgeous long hair and in the other hands she buries her face waiting for paparazzi to try totale a picture of her every now coming second. If she wouldn't cover her face the paparazzi might see her worried face expression and then might search deeper for the reason and then-. No she doesn't want to think about it. She doesn't want to think about that the paparazzi-. She tries to think about something else but the only thought her mind is about the paparazzi finding out about her daughter. It might happen -or well will happen- that one day paparazzi find out about her daughter but that day shouldn't be. It shouldn't come. It should never come or at least not fast. She just found out about her daughter so-. Then suddenly she taken out of her thoughts by all the paparazzi trying to take a picture of her and that's the thing that makes her loose finally her mind as that's the thing she's always been scared about and now is also scared about happening to her daughter - which Taylor herself doesn't know a lot about other than her similarity in looks to her birth mother. Her birth mother - Taylor. Me. It's Taylor. I'm her mother is all her mind can spin about until after what felt like hours finally finds sleeps though when waking up from her phone ringing the sleep time of hers feels like just about 5 minutes. On the phone is her hysterical mother screaming at her why she isn't with Tree or anyone of marketing team and though after the words "Augustine Masen" Taylor rushes to call her team it's already too late as when she's turning on the TV Augustines faces is shown with the headline "Taylor Swifts daughter?" over it and some reporters in the background seeming to fight over if it's "the truth or some joke of a girl named Inez". Taylor snaps out of her phase of trying to finally think clearly and rushes to the door, straight to her car letting the paparazzi take as much photos they want as she rushes to get to Scarletts house. Not because of trying to fix everything, for which it's already too late as even if Taylor is delusional - which she's surely not in this situation - would know that there is nothing to be fixed anymore but now just war with the press coming up. Now she only wants to protect Augustine from the damage.

Hey guys, I know I promised the chapter earlier but I hope you like it now that it's finally published. The next chapter will be about Inez and Augustine and I hope it won't have to wait for so long :(
Also I think about rewriting this book, writing a new marvel fan fiction or a fantasy book named "The great blue wars" or "Finally ALife" and I would love to get you opinion on that so please comment it.

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