Chapter 1: Genesis

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A new beginning..Sorta. Or am I just running from my past? Skye thought to herself as she peered up at the gigantic castle-like institute. Both, I suppose.

She stood for a moment, admiring the ancient, rugged, yet enchanting structure. It stood decorated with the academy's school colors, grass green, gold, and white, with large banners welcoming students on either side of its entrance.

It was cool out today, with a slight breeze coming from the west, littering clouds in the sky in an attempt to gain a large enough swell to release its life upon the earth. The gloomy weather gave the academy a dark and haunting appearance, making it seem large and daunting.

Despite this forecast, which Skye rather loved, she couldn't help but notice the lush gardens amidst the grounds. They filled the area with life as the blossom trees, rose bushes, dragon lilies, various species of mushrooms, and some other plants she did not recognize, guided her along the dirt path toward the entrance.

With the gardens behind her, Skye crossed a short, dark oak bridge adorned with more flowers, and stops at the large doors separating her from the academy's students and teachers.

Taking one last marveling glance at the beauty surrounding the castle, Skye straightened her uniform over her slim figure. Admiring the detail that decorated it, with white and gold seams and borders, a white shirt, a tasteful green skirt reaching her knees, a matching gold tie, and a long matching green cloak that spread across her back, covering her shoulders and dropping just above her skirt.

Standing at only 5'1", Skye was quite small in stature, but there was a reason for this. A secret. She usually preferred to leave her almost elbow-length, light brown hair down because she often got headaches from the weight of it while in an updo. She had lightly tanned skin, bright green eyes, moderately plump, pink lips, and a pretty face. Skye was by no means considered drop-dead gorgeous, but she liked the way she looked and considered herself fairly decent.

With one last gulp of bravery, Skye tugged on the surprisingly light door, moving it with ease considering its size.

A gust of warm air engulfed her as she stepped inside, and what awaited her...she could barely fathom.

Large white pillars lined the delicate green walls, seeming to never end until abruptly stopping before tearing through the high ceilings. Golden chandeliers hung dramatically, lighting every inch of space. A variety of flowers adorned the wide windowsills lining the walls, and a tall girl with dark hair, freckles, and two deer-like antlers emerging from her head greeted her, "Hey! You must be Skye! Principal Acacia sent me to await your arrival, so I can assist you. I'm Jesse." The girl held her hand out to shake.

Skye took her hand and replied with a firm shake, "Thank you. It's nice to meet you."

Jesse peered behind Skye, "Can I help you bring in your luggage or anything?"

"No, that's okay", Skye shrugged, "This is all of it. I packed pretty light."

"I'd say!" Jesse glanced at her single suitcase. "Well, Jasper can take your suitcase to your dorm, and I can show you the way to Ms. Acacia." She motioned to a waist-height man, who slightly resembled a gargoyle with pale skin and odd, distorted facial features, yet he was dressed nicely and offered a smile with a nod. He approached Skye and reached for her bag, offering to take it for her.

"Thank you", she smiled, reluctantly handing over her belongings.

The grand halls were quiet as Jesse led the way to Principal Acacia's office. The smell of flowers drifted throughout the castle as Skye and Jesse made their way through the seemingly never-ending corridors.

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