Chapter 10: Hidden and Hunted

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Skye silently helped Emery to his feet, grabbed her bags, and brought him inside. She directed him to a restroom located on the first floor and opened the door for him. She followed him and pulled fancy disposable warm towelettes from a holder. She cooled them under the tap and applied them to his eye.

It was quickly turning a deep shade of purple and there was a small knick of blood beneath his lashes. Emery leaned against the counter and let Skye dab lightly at the spot and rinse the cloth. She sighed. "I know your intentions were good," She started, "But, I could have handled it." She avoided his one open eye.

"Someone should stand up for you for once," He mumbled.

Skye offered an appreciative smile and brushed his hair off his forehead to cool his brow. She wasn't sure how to respond. She's had her fair share of help throughout her life. Uncle Rad had practically given up his own for her.


"Y'know, I was suspicious of that jerk," he said.

"I know you were," she admitted, "You noticed how he was acting in class the other day."

"Yeah." He looked at her face, "Well, you have terrible taste in guys."

He was trying to make light of the situation, but Skye felt shame creep back onto her cheeks. "It's embarrassing to admit that I felt drawn to him for some reason, but I think I was more confused than anything."

He sighed, "I won't tell anyone if you don't," He offered a grin, "This bruise is from a branch swinging back in my face while working with shrooms outback."

Skye allowed herself to chuckle, "Deal."

"We'll leave this in the past, 'kay?" He cleared his throat, "I'm not sure of the details or how far things went, but it's over with now and he's no longer worth your time." He was trying to comfort her.

Skye fought the feeling to explain herself, "It wasn't even a kiss. More like an intimate moment."

He nodded slowly, meeting her gaze.

"So, you're wielding was impressive," Skye wanted to change the conversation.

"Yeah, thanks. That wasn't how I had planned to show you," He scratched his head bashfully.

"You can wield two...?"

"Elements. Yeah, I learned to wield water on my own, but my grandfather is teaching me earth."

"I see," She remembered how the earth moved with his pushing and pulling movements, "I'd like to see it again sometime."

"Sure!" He perked up, "Shall we make it a date?" His handsome, mischievous smile crept to his eye.

Skye let a laugh escape, "It's a date."

He stood up straight and peered at himself in the mirror, "What a shiner. It kinda suits me." He pretended to admire himself.

Skye couldn't believe it, but he was actually right. His blonde hair lay upon his head in a mess, his tattoos peeked through his collar and sleeves. His clothes were a little dirty from the garden.

"Were you working?"

"Yeah, I work more on the weekends. That's why I don't attend the training on Saturdays."

Skye did notice that he hadn't been present the last few weeks.

"Makes sense. The gardens are too huge for just one person to take care of."

"Yeah, I'm hoping Pop makes a quick recovery."

Skye smiled at his use of "Pop", it was nice seeing that side of him.

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