Chapter 14: Buzz

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Becca and Marine played the first round against two guys whom Skye thought she might recognize. Becca and Marine had surprisingly crushed their opponents, either of them rarely missed a cup. Each time, the guys would sigh before taking their shot, quickly realizing that this "fun game" was not going to last long.

Skye played the next game with a girl named Tasha against Riftan and a short redheaded guy. This game lasted much longer. Each time Skye was able to throw her ball into the opponent's cup, Riftan kept his eyes on her as he took his shot of whiskey. She responded by doing the same. With each shot that was made, the game became more intense as Skye's competitiveness seeped out.

Despite the game being boys vs. girls, Becca and Marine cheered for the opposing team--especially if the shot was made by Riftan.

The boys only needed one more cup to win, the girls behind by one. Skye surprised herself when she jumped in excitement after Tasha landed one of the cups. Now, she just prayed that Riftan would miss.

He didn't. They won, and Skye took the final shot before congratulating her rivals. Riftan extended his hand to shake, but Skye pretended she didn't see it. She didn't want to be friends.

The group then moved to a game called Buzz. When the rules were explained, Skye felt confident in her ability to count. Skye started, "One."

They moved in a circle, and Becca continued, "Two."

Marine, "Three."

Riftan, "Four."

A young brunette man named, Sean, "Five."

Another man, Jay, "Six."

Tasha, "BUZZ!"

The redheaded boy, whose nickname was Red, "Eight."

Back to Skye, "Nine."

They continued like this until they reached almost thirty. Whenever someone missed saying "buzz" on a number with a Seven in it, a multiple of Seven, or a repeating double-digit, they took a shot.

More mistakes began to be made as Becca called, "Thirty-three." Throwing her drink back.

Skye had messed up when she called a multiple of seven. By this point, she was beginning to feel warm, the taste of liquor began to lose its repelling burning sensation with each swig. Things began to become funnier. Skye knew it was time to stop, but she hadn't had "adult fun" like this before, aside from the odd drink she would have with Uncle Rad.

When Marine and Becca came forward wanting to switch to Truth, Dare, or Drink, Skye was ecstatic. She had a few truths that she wanted to squeeze out of Riftan.

The first few turns were harmless. Red was dared to kiss Becca, and she had feigned disgust. Marine had decided to take a shot when she was dared to remove Jay's socks with her teeth. The boys dared one another to do silly things such as making naked snow angels and burping the alphabet. Riftan chose to take a shot each time.

Skye belly laughed and completed her dare of spelling her name with her tongue on the floor, receiving many "Ew's" and "Yeahs!" mixed with laughter.

As the group began to settle down, many turns became truth. Of course, most questions consisted of the usual "Who have you kissed?", "hookups?", or "Who would you do the deed with, here?" Skye was beginning to lose interest by this point, she could feel herself nearing sickness as she continued taking shots to avoid answering questions. She had well passed her limits.

"Skye!" Marine sang as Skye began to stand to leave, "Truth or dare?"

"Oh," She wobbled, "Actually I think I'm gonna call it a night." Skye slurred.

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