Chapter 10

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The next day by 5:00 PM Rudra finished his work and was ready to meet his love at the Doctor's office. He went inside the hospital, asked the receptionist where Dr. Diya Sharma was and went straight into her office as if he owned the place before the receptionist could even ask him to book an appointment first. He saw from the transparent window of her office that his love was sitting alone in a chair poring over some medical reports. Without even knocking on the door, he went straight in, making Diya gasp and shudder for a second. While she was still recovering from her fear, Rudra took that moment to look around her office and noticed that it smelled amazing - it was exactly her scent. It was nothing like his office at the Raghuvanshi Group of Industries but it was beautifully simple and impeccable, filled with plants everywhere, just the way he liked it. Then, his eyes landed on his love, who after recovering from his abrupt presence, was now looking at him with questioning eyes.

If he walked into the office without so much as knocking on the door first, it must be something urgent, so Diya didn't say anything and waited for him. Rudra loved her attention and reveled in her gaze for a second before asking her "Do you know who I am?" to which Diya confusingly replied "Sorry, am I supposed to?." 

Krishna, what am I supposed to do with this girl? She didn't even so much as search up the person who gave her a job offer in the first place. Moreover, he was a fricking billionaire. All girls her age and even younger knew him at this point. So, he decided to take the lead and seated himself right across from her. "I am Rudra," he told her dominantly, while she was getting more distracted with the medical charts in front of her. "So what?" she wanted to ask, but kept herself silent and gestured with her eyes for him to continue.  "Rudra Raghuvanshi" he clarified and with that she was able to connect the dots together with the job offer and the phone call. Suddenly, she became angry. "How did you find my office? Why are you at my place of work? she asked. "Didn't I make it abundantly clear that I DO NOT want that job?" Diya had enough of this guy's rudeness. Moreover, she recognized him as the same weird guy who came to her with hand and chest pains the other day. "I probably just became stuck in some over-glorified scam" she thought as she further observed his expensive suit and wrist watch with skepticism. He was just way to overdressed to be conducting every-day business in that attire. Besides, what kind of an employer even comes to a prospective employee's place of work without her consent? Little did she know, that Rudra was willing to go as far as possible without needing any sort of consent from her. He has mentally already crossed all sorts of boundaries that she was even unaware of.

Now, it was Rudra's turn to become angry. He observed the way she was looking at him with disbelief. Great, this girl probably thinks I'm a scammer he thought. He should have thought it through before coming to her place of work. There was probably a much better way he could have handled it. However, he wouldn't trade anything for the chance to see her and talk to her even if it is for an extremely short period of time (for him), but for her, it felt like an eternity and she just wanted to get rid of him. Rudra then decided to resolve her doubts by telling her "I'm not a scammer, this is a legit job offer." "That's exactly what a scammer would say" she quickly replied and wanted to call security. He could see her eyeing the button, but he quickly lunged forward, almost onto her and took it away from her. Now, she was actually scared and looked at the door for an escape. Noticing this, Rudra told her "I'm not here to hurt you, just hear me out. If you want, Google me. I am a billionaire" he arrogantly told her. Diya now slightly calmed down and gave him some credibility. Perhaps, I'm just acting too rashly and becoming suspicious she thought. So, she replied "Look, whether or not you are a billionaire, I am not looking for another job now, I am more than happy in my current position, so I am absolutely not interested in your offer."

"Are you sure? It's a pretty major step-up from what you currently make" he asked. 

Now, Diya was furious. Did he just look down on me? Does he not think I make enough? She chose to humbly reply to his arrogance by replying "Money isn't everything, sir. There are things more important than money. Even if you were to offer me your whole company, I wouldn't leave my current job." 

Now, Rudra was both angry and surprised. He thought as soon as he offered her some money she would come running to him in excitement. Instead, the more he is trying to pacify her and force her to go with him, the more stubbornness she is showing. She decided he had enough and instead took a different approach. He stood up and starting getting real close to her. But seeing this coming, Diya was quick. She had the security call-button within reach from a while as she questioned his sanity from the beginning. So she pressed it real quick and an alarm started going off in her office as she attempted to put as much distance as possible between herself and this strange man. Now, she was definitely sure this whole thing was just a scam. She started praying to Lord Krishna ji asking him to protect her from this evil man. Unknown to her, Rudra was now extremely close to her and plastered her against the wall behind his large frame. She called security anyways, he thought, so let me have my fun with her. He could hear her praying and calling him an evil man. "So cute," he thought as he bought his face dangerously close to her before he was shoved off rudely by a security guard who he wanted to bury six feet under the ground now. Two other men and one woman came into the office standing in front of her as her guards, blocking his view of her and even the beautiful heavenly scent of incense sticks emanating from her. 

Like a madman, he yelled at her saying, "Now, see how I will make you come begging to me. I will make sure that you will come begging to me for a job within the next 24 hours." He arrogantly said leaving her office, before calling his PA to handle the mess that he had just created at the Apollo Hospitals. 

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