part 2

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Ignore my grammar mistakes

In mafia's office

Taehyung was checking some weapons that time someone come to him and hendle him a file and say

??:here is kang's file

Tae: thank you suga hyung and here I want his all details till morning *give him a photo*

Suga: jungkook

Tae: you know him hyung

Suga:yes he is my boyfriend's friend they study in some college

Tae: hmmmm

Suga: so why you want his information.

Tae:I am in love hyung

Suga: what you love jungkook*say in shock*

Tae: yes hyung I am in love with my angel
*Say while thinking about jungkook*

Suga: ok I will give you all his information
*Say and leave the office*

Tae:just wait for some time after that you will be in my arms*say with a smirk*

After that he again his work while thinking about jungkook

Other side

In kim corporation

Jaehyung's POV

*I was checking some files and sipping my coffee suddenly thinking about today's accident and that girl what is her name.....*

AHH what happened to me why I am thinking about her i think I should go home

*i said and saw the time its already 11 i wrap my things and went out  of my office and come to parking area and get in my car and drive to my mension*

After 30 minutes I reach at home and  and park my car and went in I was going to my room but some one stop me i turn and see my mom was standing in kitchen looking angry

End of jaehyung's POV

Mrs Kim; why late today

Jae: mom today i have so much work that's why I am late

Mrs Kim: hmm  come let me serve your dinner *she and start  serving his dinner*

Jae just hmm and after eating his dinner they both went to there respective room

Next morning

Everyone were having there breakfast

Mr Kim: I want to inform you all that tomorrow we have go at Seoul National University as chief guest as there is annual function * he say*

All nod and after eating they went there work

Time skip to annual function day

Today is nidhi's birthday she was getting ready for college that time she got a call and she received the call


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