part 10

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Nidhi come to the dinning table where her dad jisun and stepmom mina were already there she sat at her seat Mina sarve her dinner they start doing there dinner

Mina: you know honey riyun call me today and said that she is coming next month* she say and mr.choi look at her*

Jisun: really i am so happy that finally my princess is coming back after 5 years and next month is also her birthday we have to arrange a party for her i am so happy mina* he say with big smile at his face*

Nidhi look at him with sad eyes her eyes start to tear up but she control her self and sailently eating her dinner

Mina: yes honey i am also so happy i will see her after 2 year in these years i always miss her but not anymore*she say while smiling*

Mina look at nidhi and smirk

Mina: btw honey by don't we got to a picnic tomorrow I get bored while staying in home all alone what you say also tomorrow is your holiday so what you say* she say and look at jisun*

Jisun: great idea also it's been long time we all didn't went out what about you nidhi* he say in  soft voice*

Nidhi look at him blankly

Nidhi: sorry Mr.choi i can't come with your family maybe you forgot but i didn't that tomorrow is my eomma and your first wife's ceremony is so i will be busy so you both go and enjoy and my dinner is done i am going to my room* she say and left to her room*

Mr choi just look at her disappearing figure he look down he feel so shame on himself did he really forget his first wife his love's day that day she left him alone with 2 years old girl who just learnt to call them as appa and eomma
He come to his sense when mina shake him a little

Mina:so are we going out tomorrow we'll it's ok if you don't want to go * she say with fake sad face*

Jisun : don't be sad we will go at night hmm.
*Say and smile at her wife*

Nidhi come to her room and lay down on her bed and start thinking about what happened on evening with jaehyung a drop of tear fall from her eyes and she sleeps while crying sailently

Other side

Taehyung come at home he was so happy he entered and saw namjoon and Mr Kim was discussing something he went to them and greet them who greet back

Mr Kim: go tae and fresh up and come down for dinner and also call jae*say to taehyung who nod*

Taehyung went to his room after freshing up he come out and went to jaehyung's Room he knocked 6 time but did not hear anything so he  open the door and went inside the saw jaehyung was sleeping he went to near his bed and sat on it and shake him softly

Tae: hyung getup mom is calling us* he say*

Jaehyung open his eyes and look at taehyung and hmm he get up and went to bathroom after freshing up he came out from bathroom taehyung was still there

Jae: let's go tae

Tae: hyung i want to tell you something

Jae: what is it tae

Tae: hyung my bunny accept my praposal he love me back hyung * he say and hug him*

Jae: really tae i am happy for you let's go we should tell this mom and dad*jae say*

Tae: no hyung not now

Jae: hmm ok

After that they both went to downstairs they came to dinning room and saw all were sitting on their seat they both also at on their seat Jin serve them all started eating after finishing his dinner jaehyung getup

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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