part 4

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Ignore grammar mistakes

Here jungkook was standing alone and watching his friends dance but soon he feel like someone is starting him he turn and see taehyung was staring at him he look away from him and put his hand at his face

Kook: why are my cheeks burning when I look at him oo God what happened to me i need water*he say and went to counter and start drinking water*

He was driving suddenly he chock his water by  suddenly a deep voice he turned and see taehyung was standing right infront of him

Tae: hey are you ok* he say feeling worries for kook*
Kook:y-yes i-am o-ook*he sater*
Tae: hey relax don't scare from me
Kook: iits not like tha....*he cut by his friends*
Nidhi: hey guys what's going on and kookie what happened to your face why is so red
*she say being worried*
Kook: no noona i am fine I jus...

*He again cut but this time by principal*

Pl: teachers, students and our guest first i want to thanks you all for coming as you all know this party is for our last year students and second I want to inform all students that from Monday your exam are starting  means you all have two days so study hard and do your best  specially nidhi and jungkook  we are expecting from you both that one of you will be go top and also thankyou Kim family and min yoongi for coming at our college now please enjoy

Saying that principal went to Kim's and started talking

Here our group

Jimin: oo my god we have only two days what will I do in two days* he fake cry*
Y/n omo i didn't even open my book what I am gonna write *say while hugging lisa who is struggling to free her self from her grip*
Lisa: yaa leave me you nut* she free her self from her grip*

y/n pout Kim's and yoongi, hoseok also come there

Jennie: okay baby we are going and all the best for your exams*she say and pick Lisa's lips*
Jin: and it was great to meet you all are best of luck you all* he say and saw thumbup*
Nidhi: thankyou oppa and we are also happy to meeting you all
All: thankyou oppa/ hyung

*All say at same time thanks and bid there bye
But nidhi and jungkook were looking at jaehyung and taehyung's eyes nidhi wink at jaehyung who look away but taehyung smirk when he saw jungkook's red cheeks  and went to there home and suddenly something hit to nidhi' friends all look at each other like something saying  to each other*

Jimin: lets go guys it's getting late

*All agree with him and all start leaving and come to a cafe*

Nidhi: guys why are we he... Hey hey what are you doing *she say when jungkook blind fold her and hold her hand and take her inside the cafe*

After some time they reach at there table and take the blindfold fro her eyes

All: happy Birthday nidhi/noona
*All sing together*
Nidhi:o my god thanks you all for this* she say and hug all*

ook: lets cut the cake

Then nidhi blow the candles and made a wish then cut the cake first she feed jungkook the all
After they all give her there gifts and pay the bill and went to there home

Other side Kim mansion

Jaehyung was laying in his king size bed while thinking something or say someone

Jae: we were just little away from kissing*he say and pu his hand on his lips*
Jae:ahh what are you doing to me why I am thinking about you i think I need rest* he say and drifted to his dream*

Some goes to taehyung

Tae: today i saw you from so close you are so beautiful and cute ahh I can't wait to make you my* saying that he also drifted in his dream*

Other side jungkook was thinking about taehyung

Kook:what happened to me when he look at me why my cheeks start burning and my face becomes red am i sick* say while touching his cheeks and face*
Kook: i will talk to noona tomorrow* say and drifted to his dream*

In choi's home

Nidhi reached at her home it's already 11 pm when she enter her home

She feel a hard slap on her left cheek she put he hand on her cheek and see her father slap her. Her eyes tear up she saw her step mother was smirking at her

Mr choi: how many time I have told you to come home before 10 but you never listen to me*he say and again slap her*
Nidhi: appa i am sorry it's because my friends give me. A party after annual function that's by i am late*she say tears slip out from her eyes*
Mr choi: party? For what*say in confusion*

All are now in hall

Nidhi look at her father and sadly chuckle
Nidhi: you forgot that today is my birthday* she say and Mr choi look at her in guiltful eyes*
Nidhi: don't be sad now it's ok now I am use to it but I want to told you one think appa that I miss my old appa after Emma's death you have changed you changed appa you changed *saying that she run to her room and lock the door*

Mr choi look down his tears are coming from his eyes
Mr choi: i am sorry baby  i am bad appa but appa love you so much baby I am sorry* he also left to his room*

Mrs choi: uff what a drama of both daughter and father *she also walk to her room*

She got a call and saw the I'd and became happy she received the call

Mrs choi: o  my dear baby how are you you totally forgot your eomma huh* she say*
??: o mom relax soon i am coming and i am fine what about you dad and that bitch
Mrs choi: dad is fine and just minutes ago dad slap that bitch for coming late * she say and start laughing her child also laugh with her*
??: ok mom bye i am cutting call take care and love you and dad
Mrs choi: ok bye dear love you too
*She cut the call and went to room*

In nidhi's room

Here She is crying while hugging a photo frame and talking to the frame

Nidhi: eomma why you left me here no one love me appa also hate me eomma I need you you baby need you eomma please come back to me*after some time she sleeps on the floor while hugging the frame*


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