part 9

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Next day

Nidhi getup early and went to bathroom and do her daily routine after 20 minutes he came out and wear some baggy clothes and went out from the house to college it's early in the morning today is her exams are starting last night sences is coming infront her eyes some tears left from her eyes she come to a park and sat on a brench while closing her eyes tears were flowing from her eyes

Other side

Jungkook come out from bathroom and wear his clothes he comes in kitchen and make some sandwich for himself after eating he left for college after 20 minutes he reached at college and saw his friends were waiting for him but frown when he did not see nidhi

Kook: jimin hyung where is noona*he ask*

Jimin: i don't know kookie I did not saw her today also last night nidhi did not call me and not even picked my calls*he say*

Lisa: guys we should go inside it's getting late maybe she was already inside and waiting for us* she say and all agree*

They all went inside and enter there class and saw nidhi was not there they went to there seat

Y/n : guys she is not here only five minutes left where is she*she say now in worry tune*

They all were waiting for nidhi suddenly the bell rang and all start panicking hoseok also entered in they class all students standup from there seat and bow at him

Hobi: good morning students so from today your exams are starting now speak your names* he say and start taking attendance*

They all were panicking and looking on the entrance and hoseok say nidhi's name

Hobi: miss choi nidhi? Miss choi nidhi where is she is miss choi nidhi apsent ?*he say and look around*

Nidhi: may i come in sir* she say in low tune while breathing heavily*

All students look at her in confusion because she was wearing a mask that she never wear hoseok nod then nidhi went to her seat her friends look at her in confusion after attendance hoseok distribute exams pepers in all students

After 3 hours all finished there exams and start to leave the college nidhi come out from college but her friends stop her she look at them and try to ignore them but jungkook stop her why grabbing her wrist nidhi look at him

Nidhi: kookie leave my hand*she say and try to free her wrist*

Kook: no and what happened to you noona why are you ignoring us*he say in worried voice*

Nidhi: nothing now please leave my hand *she say in low voice*

Jungkook didn't listen and pull her closer  and take the mask off they all get shocked when they saw hand prints on her both cheeks and wounded lips red fluffy eyes jungkook's eyes become teary by seeing her he pull her in a tight hug nidhi breakdown in the hug and tight her grips on jungkook all get worried for her now

Kook: noona what happened huh why are you crying noona now i am getting scar please noona tell us* say while rubbing her back*

Jimin also join them

Jimin: nidhi please tell us please bae*say *

After some time they broke the hug and jungkook set her on nearly brench and both jimin and jungkook take her hands on there hands

Kook: now tell us noona what happened to you and who did this to you *say and rub her hand softly*

Nidhi told them everything all get shocked not by Mrs choi but by mr.choi they didn't expect this from him all look at her in pitiful eyes

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