part 5

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Next day

Nidhi wake and getup from floor then when in bathroom and do her daily routine after that she come downstairs and saw her father and step mother were eating there breakfast Mr choi look at her and notice her swallen eyes are red face and his hand print on her cheek also his eyes star to tear up but he control

Mr choi: come have your breakfast * he say hoping some answer*

Nidhi didn't say anything nor look at him she wear her shoes and left to college without eating anything  she was cycling cherry blossoms flowers were falling on her face suddenly her eyes catch someone she smile little and went to the person

Nidhi: good morning Mr Kim

Yes it was jaehyung whose car got puncher and wait for mechanic

Jae: how can you appear anywhere where ever I am

Nidhi: because you are so attractive and i automatically attached to you* she say and giggles*

She stop when she saw jae was staring at her deeply she also star at him but come back to earth by jae's phone

Nidhi: ahh this fucking phone alway interrupt
One day i will break it* she mumred to her self*

Jae: did you say something*he say while frowing his eyebrows*

She shake her head his phone again ring he attended the call

Jae: hello where are you i am getting late.what i don't have this much ok but try fast
* He cut the call and sign heavyly*

Nidhi: what happened Mr Kim you look tense

Jae: yaa today is my important meeting but my car got puncher and driver didn't fine a mechanic i am getting late

Nidhi: if you don't mind i can give you a left to your office*she say*

Jae: really didn't you are getting late for your college

Nidhi: no i have still 45 minutes so i can drop you so if you want then come and sat on the back seat

She say and sat on her cycling and sign him for sitting on the back seat jaehyung blink his eyes for some time then set on the cycling

Nidhi: put your hand on my waist if you don't want to fall

Jae: whatt

Nidhi: yes now do

He grab her waist his hand are shaking badly nidhi also feel siver in her body when he grab her waist she control her self and start cycling

Both were sailent and feeling the air on there face after 30 minutes they reach at Kim corporation employees were shocked to see ceo with a girl also in cycle

Nidhi:Mr Kim we reached at your destiny

Jae;hmm thanks

He say and climb down from her cycle and start walking but she stop him

Nidhi: don't you think we should be friends

Jae: and why

Nidhi: because I help you also we have meet three time

Jae: hmm i will think

Nidhi: huh will think?. Ok think then tell ok

??: nidhi what are you doing here

They both turn around and see Mr choi is coming nidhi's smile in to cold face

Jae: Mr choi you know her

Mr choi: yes sir she is my daughter and i am sorry if she say something wrong * he say while apologize *

Jae: no Mr choi she didn't do anything actually she help me today she dropped me here let's go Mr choi we are getting late

He say and look at nidhi for last time and then went in with Mr choi

After that nidhi also went to college


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