part 8

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Jungkook wakeup by his alarm and went to bathroom for his routine after 20 mins he come out and went to closet and take some comfortable clothes after changing he went out for the café when he reached at café nidhi was already there he at her smile who smile back

Jk: wow noona you are already here. I thought you will came late *he say hug her*

Nidhi: yaa it's because I wake up early today *say while breaking hug*

Both entered in the café jungkook start arranging tables and tell to do the same after 30 minutes they sate all things jungkook went outside to change the board closed to opened.
He saw jimin and lisa who were coming towards him while smiling

Jk: good morning hyung,lisa*he greeted them who greet back with a smile*

They three went inside and saw nidhi. Jimin and lisa greet her who greet back with a hug after some time the stuff also come and start doing there work. costomers also started to come as that café is a bit famous there first costomers were y/n and hoseok  they four look at them with a teasy smile

Jk: welcome sir and y/nie it's nice to see you here*he say while bowing with a smile*

Hoseok: me to jungkook and good morning guys please call me jhope or hobi outside of college *he say with his famous sunshine smile*

They all nod with a smile and nidhi guide them to there table and give the menu

Nidhi:so sir and mam what will you both like to order *say while acting like professional*

Jhope: so Miss waiter we both will like have two cappuccino with choco lava cake * he say while acting with her who nod while laughing and went inside the kitchen*

After some time she come with cake and cappuccino and place infront of them

Nidhi: please enjoy your date mr.jung and*she tease them and come to jungkook*

After finishing there coffee jhope pay boths and y/n who kiss back while blushing and left from there y/n turn towards her friends who have a big teasing smile she bluse more and hide her face in her both hands they all laugh at her and again start working  now it's already 12pm and has no costomers so they thing to have lunch they all settled on the table and look at y/n Who look back

Lisa:now spit the tea*say and take a bite of cupcake*

Y/n: hobi's parents like me they both so sweet and kind and * she stop*

Jm: and what witch * say while eating bread*

Y/n: and....and WANT US GET MARRIED NEXT MONTH *she say loudly and hide her face in her hand because of shy*

All: WHATTT *all shout in shock*

Y/n: yess

Jm: I told you all. I told you he is eager to merry you and look now you both are going to marry Wow witch. But we all are happy for you both *he say and side hug her who hug back*

They all were laughing but jungkook was lost in his thought nidhi notice it and shake him a little jungkook out of his thoughts and look at her

Nidhi: what happened bunny where were you lost are you ok *she say in worried voice*

They all stop and look at him tears build up in his eyes when he remember last night what was going to happen with him they all get more worried when they saw tears in jungkook's eyes  nidhi hurrily hug him and cares his back who hug back while sniffing after some time they break the hug and look at him

Nidhi: now tell us bunny what happened to you that you are crying *say while jimin is caring his hair*

Jk: a-actually noona last night---
He told everything whatever happens last night while sniffing they all were shocked after hearing what happened with there little baby
Nidhi and jimin hug him from both sides

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