part 6

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Nidhi come at college and went her class that was already started

Nidhi: may i come in sir* she said*.

Hoseok: what is this miss choi did you know what time is this huh you are 20 minutes late
*say in disappointment*

Nidhi:i am sorry sir *say and look down*

Hoseok:ok come

She went to her seat and sat beside jungkook who was worried for her after class all students went to cafeteria

Nidhi and jungkook when to there seat and sat

Kook: why are you late today noona

Lisa, jimin and y/n also come there with there lunch

Lisa:yaa bitch you never come late*say and place there lunch*

All nod

Nidhi: actually today i meet Mr kim*like that she told today's incident*

Jimin: omo someone is blushing huh*he tease her*

Nidhi: yaa it's not like that what are you saying you jiminipabo* she say and hit on his head who pout *

Y/n: ok ok guys leave this and let's talk about exams

They all nod and  start discussing about exams
And eat there lunch with chatting and laughing then they went to there next classe

Other side

Jaehyung was seating in his cavin after finishing meeting he was checking some files pepers that time his assistant come

Eunwoo:sir here is the students and colleges details are going to internship from here
* Say and give the files*

Jaehyung take the file and start reading  he was reading that time something or say someone catch his eyes he read the person's information after reading he give back the file to eunwoo

Jaehyung: inform all colleges that intership will start from next month

*Eunwoo nod *

Eun:  sir from Thailand University also wanna do intership from our company and here is the file

Jaehyung read the file then give back to him and tell eunwoo to inform them about intership eunwoo nod and leave his cabin jaehyung again doing his work

Other side

After college all students start leaving  here nidhi and jungkook are waiting for jimin,lisa and y/n

Nidhi: let's go

Y/n you all go* she say and all look at her in confusion*

Y/n: yaa don't look at me like that actually hoseok want to take me at his home to meet his parents*she say while blushing*

All: ooo my goddd*all say together*

Jimin: omg this fast y/n I mean like 2 days ago he propose you and now meeting parents i think he is eager to marry you* he tease her*

Y/n: yaa you jimin coconut  shut up i wa---*she cut by a car horn*

They turn around and see there hoseok was beside his car he walk to them

Hobi: can we go y/nie

All:awww y/nieee

Y/n : shut up you all and let's go hobi

She say and start dragging hoseok from there because her friends surely gonna tease them
Y/n and hoseok left from there

Lisa: can we go i am really hungry
*She say while rubbing her belly*

All nod and start walking while laughing but they stop by Lisa's phone

Lisa:yaa mom...ok...just wait there i will be there in 10 minutes*she say and cut the call and look at her friends*

Lisa: i have to go my mom want my help in buying groceries ok bye bye* she say while running*

Jimin: ok now we three left lets go* they nod and start walking*

After 20 minutes they three stop infront of a cafe

Kook: ok bye hyung bye noona

Nidhi: ok bye and take care * she say and pat his head and jimin ruffled his hair*

Jungkook went inside and nidhi,jimin look at each other

Nidhi: wanna ride cycle hmm

Jimin: why not*both sat on the cycle*

Jimin was cycling and nidhi was grabbing his waist and both went to there home

Take care

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