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Hey guysss let's play a game of Will starts a fic and see if he actually commits to it 😁😁

So firstly, started the fic on a whim dunno if i'll actually finish it

Mike is also like vaguely mentioned in this fic but just imagine him as a different guy named Mike bc I hate him

Half inspired by the actual song The Balcony  Scene by Pierce the Veil do NOTTTT bark at me for I not being exact

Anyways enjoy <3


1- prologue

(Vic's Pov)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Blah blah blah blahh
I cannot even hear Mrs. Davis blabbing about her dumb science crap through the music blasting in my ears. I am so sick of bio class- I do NOT give a fuck about cells, I am never going to use this ever.
This class always feels like millions of years long, but I'm always excited for the next class, Theater. It's the only class I actually feel comfortable to express myself- it sounds so loser-ish but it's true.

To everyone outside my friend group, I'm just the typical quiet, smart good kid. I mean it's not actually very far off- but there's more to me than just being quiet and smart. I like music and I like.. I.. I don't know what else- but you get my point.

I suddenly notice everyone begin to pick up their bags and beginning to leave. I didn't even hear the bell through my ear buds. I swiftly swing my bag over my shoulder and I head out the classroom door for seventh period.

I quickly speed walk though the hallways, bumping into people left and right- I just cannot be late again. I suddenly walk straight into a guy at the water fountain, I look up at his as he towers over me. Why do I feel like I should be scared?

"Oh my god- I'm so sorry." I mumbled as I looked up at him, making nervous eye contact. It was Oli, Oli Sykes to be exact. He always intimidated me some how- I mean, he did just suspended last year for beating up a guy last year so hard that he went to the hospital and moved away once he got out. Pretty wild if you ask me.

"Watch where you're going, dumbass twink." Oli smirked at me teasingly- yet definitely pissed off.

TWINK? EXCUSE ME?? Now that was uncalled for.

Despite wanting to say something back, I didn't want to cause more trouble than I should do I kept running to class- most of the people had already gone to their classes, so the hallway was much emptier than before.

I enter the cafeteria AKA my theatre class, this dumbass school only spends it's budget on sports. we don't even have an actual classroom, but I guess we have a pretty cool track and a good sports team. They always use the excuse that there isn't a lot of kids that are in theatre, and although it's true- I at least I think it's kinda shitty that other classes like theatre just don't get any of that money.

My best friend Jaime runs up and gives me a high five, we've been best friends since fourth grade, we're basically brothers at this point. "Yoo vic! What's up man?" He gives his classic friendly smile.

"Nothing much- I ran into Oli in the hallways and he called me a twink." I smirked slightly saying the sentence, as much of an insult it was meant to be- it was still a bit funny.

Jaime bursts out laughing- way more than he should. "Bro you're dead- not THE Oli sykes."

I roll my eyes and begin walking to the lunch tables- which were basically our "desks", our theater class is pretty small with only about 10 people. One of my other best friends, Tay waves at me. She was sitting at the table talking to Tony. It was always just a smidge awkward talking to Tay sometimes- women intimidate me DO NOTTTT tell anyone though.

"Hey Tay, hey Tony." I smiled as I wave back at Tay and sit down next to both of them. But suddenly I hear my theatre teacher, Mrs. McDougall call my name.

"Vic can you come here, I need something from you." She motioned for me to walk over to her, so I did. She was typing on her computer and writing on papers, sitting on the end of the teeny tiny stage our school has. I wonder what she needs from me? Hopefully nothing bad..

I stand awkwardly infront of Mrs. McDougall and smile nervously- let's be real I'm am NERVOUS. "Uh yes, what is it..?" I put my hands in my pockets, it was always so cold in the cafeteria, and my hands get cold so easily.

Mrs. McDougall types on her computer, not even bothering to look back up at me as I speak. "Hey Vic, are you and Tay available after school..? We have a whole bunch of new tech kids and I need more people to help them know what to do." She looked up and smiled softly. "It's just I think you two are the best examples."

I can't help but say yes to this poor lady- all her beginning theatre students are FOUL, might as well. "Oh- uh yeah, I think we're both free."

Mrs. McDougall nods and goes straight back to typing on her laptop- she's busy with planning out concessions at the next football game. I walk over back to the lunch table, Jaime was now there with a HUGE bag of Takis- where do you even find bags that big?

I sit down and hold my hand out to Jaime "Yo bro, give me one." Jaime is a FIEND for Takis, it's not even funny.

Jaime rolls his eyes and plops three in my hand and continues stuffing them into his face.

I look over at Tay, taking a bite of the Taki "Hey Tay, Mrs. McDougall wants us after school again." I say, then eating the rest of the Taki.

Tay exhales and puts her face in her hands "NOOOOOO! Please tell me we are not taking care of those dumb sixth graders again." She hates little kids, and reasonably so, that day they literally started barking at us, and it was NOT funny.

I exhale and put my hand on Tay's shoulder to comfort her "No it's not- it's all the other seniors that got schedule changes. Don't worry too much."

Tay sat back up and sighed in relief.

The rest of the class was nothing special, we'd already finished everything for the semester, so we just got to spend the last week doing whatever we want, we mostly did improv though.

(1127 words)

The Balcony Scene // Kellic / boyxboy Where stories live. Discover now