2- Jacket

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Tw!! Physical abuse 😁

(Vic's Pov)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kellin offered to take the heat for me, but I felt like I owed him back for the jacket. Obviously we left out the smoking part, but I told the truth. I could've came up with a good enough excuse, but I was running off complete fear.

Now I'm sitting in this dumb classroom with Kellin and a few others on a Friday. My parents were so mad at me, they yelled for hours, but I think they were just scared after what happened with Mike- but I don't wanna talk about that yet. I still have people ask about him- I cannot believe he did that, and I fucking hate him for it.

I suddenly snap out of my thoughts as a feel the eraser side of a pencil poke into my cheek- Kellin had moved his chair in-front of my desk and I didn't even notice. "Hellooo? Vic????" He continued to lightly stab the eraser into my cheek. I blush in embarrassment.

"O-Oh- sorry I spaced out." I grasp the pencil to prevent him from continuing to stab my cheek, as much as it hurt it made me smile slightly, not sure why though.

"You're still wearing my Jacket." Kellin pointed out teasingly. I blushed even harder- I had put it back on by autopilot, but to be fair it was a pretty comfortable sweater.

"Y-Yeah.." I chuckle, I'm horribly flustered and I can't even hide it. My cheeks felt hot.

"Anyways- as I was SAYING, are your parents like super mad that you're in detention- I mean, because you are like a pretty good student and stuff.." Kellin seemed genuinely curious for some reason, even my best friends didn't seem as interested about me than Kellin was but maybe he just was the typa guy to ask a lot of questions.

"Yeah- they shouted at me for hours, it was crazy. What about your parents..?" I asked, brushing my hair out of my eyes.

"Oh.. I don't live with them, I live with my boyfriend." He exhaled- he already seemed to not want to talk about that whole situation, I almost felt a bit bad about what could've happened.

"You live with Oli? Is he even old enough to live on his own?" It genuinely surprised me- I assumed they were the same age.

"Oli got held back a year, he's 19." Kellin kept the sentence short and sweet- he almost seemed sick of answering that question.

"Oh, makes sense I guess." I forgot how much fun it was learning stuff about new friends- they have so much lore compared to how bland my life is it's crazy.

Once detention was over, Kellin and I walked out side by side, only to be met with the one and only Oli Sykes. It wasn't a good look walking out next to someone's boyfriend wearing his sweater.

"Nice sweater, Vic." Oli chuckled, the way he was being so calm was almost scary- I've known him to be the angry violent guy, maybe I was wrong.

"T-Thanks, it's Kellin's.." I stammer nervously, yet I'm slowly regaining confidence, Oli began to slowly become less scary to me for some reason.

(Kellin's Pov)~~~~~~~~~~

"So when did you meet Vic..?" Oli asked as he was driving. I was sat in the passenger seat of his car, he had made Vic give me back my jacket; it wasn't even my jacket, it was Oli's.

"Yesterday.." I muttered, Korn blasted through the radio of the car, it only felt louder and louder as I got nervous.

"Why'd you think it's a good idea to give a guy you just met your sweater? You're giving him the wrong idea." His tone grew more stern, I flinched slightly at the tone- now every time his tone grows very stern I cant help but flinch- it's a bad habit.

"S-Sorry.." I hug onto my backpack tightly as it's sat on my lap. I can't even look at him right now- I don't want to.

(TW begins!!)—

The car turns into the driveway and we both walk into our house, I brace myself as I hear Oli slam the front door behind me. He's pissed.

"Oli I'm sorry okay! I'm sorry I won't do it again." I stutter, as I begin walking backwards as he walks towards me.

"Sorry isn't enough, Kellin! All you fucking say is sorry!" Oli shouted at me, I covered my ears from the loud noise- a bad habit I need to stop.

"Don't you even cover your ears Kellin, stop fucking ignoring me! It's all you fucking do!" Oli continued to yell and shout at me- before I could even move my hands, I felt both of his palms shove me into the living room wall, I immediately fell back onto it- it hurt my back like hell.

My back throbbed in pain, normally when this happens I just take it, and the have a smoke to calm me down when it's all over. It's just a cycle at this point and I'm too much a dumbass to do anything. It's my fault for doing stupid shit all the time.

(Tw! Ends)—

*beep beep beep*
My phone alarm went off, I groggily sat up and turned it off. I'd forgotten to turn it off on the weekends. I turn to Oli, he's still deep asleep on the bed. I decide to take some time alone.

I walk over to the bathroom, my spine ached a bit after he had pushed me too hard. I glanced at myself in the mirror, I was such a mess.

My back was all bruised and my hair was all matted and greasy. I haven't had the energy to shower or brush my teeth, it's gross I know.. it's just I can't even bring myself to do it no matter how much I want to.

I take a deep breath and gripped the ends of the sink, looking at my reflection trying to regain my confidence. Fake it 'til you make it, as they say.

I decide to finally take a shower, I grab a towel and I lock the bathroom door.

I turn on the shower and finally step in, the warm water caresses my skin. I had forgotten what it was like to feel warm, I have been so cold both inside and outside the past few days. I missed being just content with myself.

I missed being bored. I never really realised how much of a privilege being bored was, now I'm always worried or stressed about one thing or another, I miss being normal.

"Dumb shower thoughts." I mumble to myself as I finish showering and shut off the water, immediately being met by the bitter cold air again. I quickly dried myself off and out on a pair of clothes.

I quietly exited the bathroom expecting Oli to still be asleep, but he was already gone out of bed.

I walked out of the bedroom and saw him in the kitchen, he was making eggs and toast- no bacon though, we'd ran out a month ago.

"Hey Oli.." I yawned, I still felt a bit sleepy. I looked at the clock on the wall, it was 2:00 pm. I had woken up later than I'd like, but it's still pretty early for me.

"Hey babe." He mumbled, he was too focused on frying the eggs. Then he set down two plates on the dining table.

He had made me breakfast..? That's new..

I sat down at the table and smiled softly "Thanks Oli." I looked down at the food. It looked good, but I didn't feel hungry.

Oli sat down across from me and smiled, his smile was so warm and comforting sometimes. "You're welcome, Kells." He already began eating.

I looked down nervously at my plate; Oli had made breakfast for me the one time I didn't feel hungry. I slowly picked up the piece of toast and took a small bite and swallowed it. It was just toast, nothing special really.

"So.. do you wanna go anywhere today?" I asked, taking another small bite of toast. I've learned not to dwell on the day before or of when he yells at me or hits me, because he's always the kindest person when he's not hitting me, and he gets mad when I bring it up.

Oli takes a bite of his own toast and smiled "I have errands to do today, you wanna go? Maybe we can stop by that new park after- I went there after work, it was pretty; I think you'll like it."

(1439 words)

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