1- "You dont seriously listen to that band, right?"

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Cw! Smoking (just in case u need a warning ig)

(Vic's Pov)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tay and I sit crisscross on the stage, playing hot potato with a ball we stole from the Gym as a "prop"

Tay turns her head and exhales and smiles- definitely not excited. "Oh here they come, Vic, you excited?" She turns and smirks at me- she knows I'm as excited as she is, completely not.

Good news, there was about 5 students total, bad news, one of them is Oli Sykes.

I turn my head with wide eyes at Tay- I'm basically shitting my pants in fear right now. "Tay- please save me from Oli if he tries to murder me."

Tay rolls her eyes and snickers, softly shoving my shoulder "Vic you're going to be fine." She turns her head and her eyes light up. She waves at two people I haven't seen before and they wave back.

They both immediately come over to us- I'm completely not prepared.

One of them was a decently short girl- well I mean at least she's shorter than me an that's all that counts. Her hair was dyed bright orange and was straightened to DEATH, but she definitely pulled it off.

The other person was a guy, a pretty one if I'm honest. He had long-ish black hair and a beanie that was grasping onto his head for dear life. His piercing blue eyes stared into my soul.

The girl smiles and gave Tay a high five "TAYY! How are you? Who is this? Is this your boyfriend?" She seemed pretty cheery and talkative, I don't mind her too much yet.

Tay exhales and chuckles softly, "Hayley- oh shut up! This is Vic, he's one of my best friends."

The tall-ish guy looks over at me and grins teasingly "Oh yeah, i know you! You're the guy that listens to BrokenCyde in Mrs. Davis's." Oh fuck this guy.

I couldn't help but blurt out- I needed to at least defend myself with this one, even though it was true I cannot admit that I listen to BrokenCyde. "I do NOT listen to BrokenCyde!" I smirk slightly- I cannot take myself seriously at all.

Hayley raises and eyebrow and crosses her arms, leaning her hip to the side slightly "You don't seriously listen to that band, right?" She looks like she's holding back a laugh- not in a mean way though- she seems like a nice person.

The guy with black hair smirks and holds his fist out to give me a fist bump "Oh yeah- I'm Kellin by the way- I shoulda said that first." He says, jumping up onto the stage, sitting next to me and Hayley follows after, sitting next to Tay.

He stinks heavily of cigarettes.. fun.

I hesitantly give his a fist bump back, I'm not good at meeting new people. Im a pretty reserved person and I'm used be being completely ignored by everyone that I'm not friends with. I turn over to Tay, but she's already busy talking to Hayley so I'm forced with no choice other than to talk to Kellin.

"So.. what made you switch to tech?" I say, it's my ice breaker for literally everyone I meet in theatre tech. I originally wanted to become a tech guy, but I had began to take a liking to acting during theatre I, so I made the switch last second.

Kellin sat crisscross as he shifted to sit right in-front of me, he had the skinniest black jeans you've ever seen- how does he even fit in those? Id probably shatter them if I tried. "Oh because I can get an easy A without doing anything." He chuckled at himself.

I always had a slight resentment for people who chose theatre just for the easy grade, but to each their own I guess.

"Oh.. that's cool." I mumble- god I'm too awkward, just let me go home already.

The Balcony Scene // Kellic / boyxboy Where stories live. Discover now