4- Bracelet

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(Jaime's Pov)~~~~~~~~~~~

*Ding dong*
I hear the school bell ring- it's such a great feeling to hear that bell saying schools over- it's like an applause. I turn over to Vic. Instead of his usual dumb smirk he does, he looked pretty off- worried sick even. Vic has always had pretty bad anxiety for forever- so it wasn't the most uncommon thing for me to see, but it's worth a shot to at least try and make him feel a bit better.

Maybe I could do something to take his mind off it a bit. "Hey Vic- wanna go with me and Tony to hang out my place..?" I asked hesitantly.
I wasn't sure wether I should point out how anxious he he looks- I mean, i'm not the most sure if it would make him more upset.

Vic looked up at me, pursing his lips into a thin line. "Uhm.. sure." Vic smiled sheepishly. His long brown hair hung in her face as he looked at the floor.

Tony looked over to me, giving me that "Is his ass alright?" look. I mean it makes sense, I'm closer to Vic than he is- but c'mon Tony, help me out a bit.

Tony slung his backpack swiftly over his shoulder and stood up. "So what are we waiting for? Let's go." Tony said, smiling awkwardly. He was always a pretty shy and quiet, he definitely stuck out in our friend group.

I followed quickly after him, putting my unnecessarily-heavy backpack and getting out of my seat. I glanced down at Vic, he lingered in his seat a little longer before sluggishly putting his bag on his shoulder.

"Sorry for being all gloomy and stuff- just bad anxiety." Vic's face was painted with a nervous smirk, immediately brushing it off before either of us could ask.

"Jaime- Stoppp, let me win at least one round!" Tony whined as he furiously played with his controller.

We thought playing Mario Kart would at least cheer Vic up a bit- but he'd rather mope and do his math homework on the coffee table instead.

"Vic are you sure you're alright..?" I asked once the round was over- you'd think after being best friends for YEARSSS he would at least tell me something.

Vic hopelessly set down his mechanical pencil on top of his paper. "No.." Vic's brown hair hung in his face as he stared down at the math paper.

I exhaled- I mean, I guess that was something.
"Do you wanna talk about it- I can kick Tony out if you want." I chuckled with my hopeless attempts to lighten up the mood.

Tony smirked and rolled his eyes, looking down at his phone. "I mean- I texted my mum that I'd be back by 7, and it's nearly 7:30." he stood up and put his hat back on his head, indicating he was leaving anyways.

Vic sat back on the sofa in what seemed like defeat as Tony waved us both goodbye and shut the front door.

"So are you nowww gonna tell me why your all mope-y today? I mean you didn't even want to play Mario Kart with us." I exhaled, grabbing the stale bag of Takis off of my coffee table and began to eat them- don't judge me, they still taste good stale.

Vic glances around my living room for a few minutes, he looks as if he's debating something.
"I-It's just- one of my other friends.. I'm just worried about him."

My eyebrows rose slightly
Vic has friends?- I mean other than me, I know how chronically social awkward he is.
"Who?- and why would you be anxious about them..?"

"It's Oli's boyfriend- Kellin. It's just- I saw them at the park, and they seemed to be fighting.. I just got a bad gut feeling. It's probably just my anxiety though." Vic chuckled at his own anxiety despite how clear it was how much is was destroying him from the inside out.

I pursed my lips- I have no fucking clue who Kellin is, but ya know YOLO.
"I mean.. it's normal for couples to bicker and fight from time to time- it's probably nothing." I smiled reassuringly- like I knew what I was even saying.

Vic rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Is it..?" It sounded like a genuine question- it nearly sounded like a child asking if Santa was actually real.

I shrugged and put a Taki in my mouth and chewed it thoroughly- I didn't wake up today thinking i'd be a therapist, but Vic's a wreck- it's kinda expected. "I mean my parents fought a bit- but they were fine."

Vic scoffed and leaned back in defeat "Jaime- that's why your parents are divorced."

I mean he's not wrong.

"Vic, just trust me on this one. It's just your anxiety- I've spoken to Oli a few times, he's not the type of guy to loose his cool and stuff." I ate another Taki and yawned- it was getting pretty late.

Vic seemed just about done with me, which i was sorta glad- I was too tired and hungry for all of this right now. "I should get going.." Vic hoisted his black backpack over his shoulders and walked to the front door to put his slip-on Vans back on.

"Do you want me to drive you home or-"

"No i'm just gonna walk home." Vic interrupts me.

Did I really piss him off that much?- I didn't give him bad advice.. at least I don't think it was, but i didn't really think as hard about it as I should've.

(Vic's POV)~~~~~

I shut the front door of Jaime's house and slowly walk down the short concrete steps, letting the cold, fresh air hit my skin for a few seconds.

Maybe it is just my anxiety.

I begin walking to my house, one foot in-front of another..
one, two, one, two..
I notice something on the ground right next to my foot.

I bend down to get a better look at it.
Is that Kellin's bracelet..?
A small beaded bracelet glowed gently from the street lights as the sun continued to set, six beads with the name "kellin" engraved on each of the individual beads.

I pick it up and place it into my pocket.
I guess I could bring it to him tomorrow.

I continued to walk, feeling even more nervous after finding that bracelet. Jesus christ- could this day get any less worrisome? Like just let me live for once.

I continued to scroll through my phone mindlessly.
I was lying on my bed unable to fall asleep, even my weighted blanket didn't even have the energy to comfort me a little bit.

I glance at Kellin's bracelet splayed on my nightstand.

I swallowed and pursed my lips nervously

...did Oli have something to do with this..?

(1156 words)

The Balcony Scene // Kellic / boyxboy Where stories live. Discover now