Seat Warmers Cont.

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For Lauren and Janice, it had been a very long day. They had started the day on the wrong foot by teasing two twin boys from another section who had been spanked publicly before breakfast. Although the girls hadn't seen the spankings themselves, they had seen them rub their bottoms and heard some comments from other students who had see the spankings. The girls had made a few comments to the two boys as they stood behind them waiting for their food and back at their table. To their regret, their housemother overheard and did not take kindly to their remarks. This led to them being taken by their ears over to the boys table and then apologizing. What was worse was that they were then soundly spanked in front of whole school, with their behinds bared. That was followed by more embarrassment when their housemother removed their panties completely, telling them they would get them back at bedtime.

Things didn't get much better during school hours. At the end of each class, they found themselves being "inspected" by each of their teachers to make sure they hadn't found a way to replace the panties they were missing. This was highly unlikely, but it didn't stop any of the girls' teachers from checking anyway. Mrs. Donovan, their homeroom teacher, was the first to check. She had the girls bend over in front of the class and then flipped up the back of their skirts. After confirming to herself that their bottoms had indeed remained bare under their skirts, she spanked them each 10 times with her 18" ruler and then sent them and the rest of the class on their way to their next class. Having that done to them was bad enough, but each succeeding class found the girls being checked once again. The only thing that was different was in then way they got checked. In their first class following the homeroom period, their math teacher had sat on the stool in front of her desk as she had the two girls come up to her. Then, in turn, she had each girl go over her lap. After lifting the girl's skirt, and seeing that the bottom was indeed still bare, she then applied ten hard spanks with a hairbrush, causing each of the girls to cry out in pain. Following classes had the girls either bent over or across their teacher's knees, getting 10 hard spanks each time, with hand, ping pong paddle, ruler or hairbrush.

Finally classes had ended and the girls were able to return to their rooms. Marie, their housemother, checked them once during the afternoon and right before going for supper, but to the girls' relief, did not add any further spanks, at last not yet. Bedtime was at 10:00, but at 9:40, Marie entered the girls' room, carrying the girls panties. She dropped them on each of the girls' beds and then sat down on the stool. She motioned for Lauren to come over and Lauren walked slowly over to Marie, realizing she was about to get spanked, but hoping that it would be only a few spanks, like with the girls' teachers during the day. It wasn't to be. Turning Lauren across her knees and pulling up the back of Lauren's nightgown, Marie began spanking, using her hand. She didn't stop with 10 spanks but continued on, spanking the upturned bottom cheeks soundly. She administered 50 spanks before ending Lauren's spanking, and letting the sobbing girl get off her knees. Then she took Janice across her lap and she gave Janice an identical spanking, with the same result of a sobbing girl. Then both girls were sent to bed, well chastened.

Meanwhile, in the boys' area, Christopher and Jon were in their pajamas and ready for bed. They were spending the remaining time on their beds, with their video games. At about the same time that Marie was in Lauren and Janice's room, Beth entered Chris and Jon's room. Beth checked that both boys had indeed done everything they needed to do before going to bed, just like a mother would do. To them, nothing seemed out of the ordinary, even to Chris, who had been spanked that morning for not paying attention by their homeroom teacher, Mrs. Donovan. Even Beth sitting down on the stool didn't set off any internal alarms.

"Jon and Chris, as your housemother, I hope that we can have a good relationship that perhaps will approach that you would have at home. I want you to know that if you have any problems, you can feel free to discuss them with me. I hope you won't think of me as just someone who spanks you when you do wrong, that we can have good times as well and that when I do spank you, it's because I care and because it's important to have discipline in your life. As I said, I want to approach our relationship like a family would."

Beth hesitated for an instant and then went on.

"I guess because of that, I tend to look my own family as an example. My parents were or are great parents and I love them dearly. They showered us with love, but at the same time, they were strict with us. They were fair, though, and neither I, nor my brothers ever felt that we were ever treated too harshly. It might interest you to know that my brothers and I found ourselves across our parents' knees quite often, including well into our teenage years. I tell this to you to show you that I know what you are feeling when you are getting spanked. I know it's not pleasant, but, I guess, it isn't meant to be. One thing that was sure to get us spanked at home was misbehaving at someone's home or at school. Just like this school, the private school that we went to allowed spanking, though, I admit, to a lesser degree. My parents' rule, and my mom was the enforcer of this rule, was that if we got spanked or paddled at school, we would get spanked at home. Unfortunately, getting spanked at school wasn't unknown to us, and it meant going over my mom's knees for a spanking at bedtime."

It was at this point that Chris got a bad feeling and felt himself squirming a little as he sat on his bed listening to his housemother continue on.

"Although I hated it at the time, I also knew that the knowledge that misbehavior at school would lead to a spanking or a second spanking at home prevented me and my brothers from getting into more trouble than we did. And, speaking of getting spanked at school, Chris, you did get spanked in class, didn't you?"

Chris gulped, and nodded affirmatively.

"It's not a good way to start the school year off, is it? I imagine it was pretty embarrassing to be bare bottomed in front of your classmates getting spanked. Is that right Chris?"

Again, Chris nodded his head and he felt himself blushing.

Then Beth passed sentence. "I think my parents were right to spank us again when we got spanked in school. And since I feel that way, I feel I should adopt the same method. So,.... Chris, why don't you come forward and get your medicine."

Knowing the inevitability of his impending spanking, Chris got off his bed and walked to Beth's right side. Beth patted her lap, indicating where she wanted him, and Chris went across his housemother's lap, feeling like a little kid. Once he was in position, with his bottom centered across her lap, Beth grabbed the waistband of his pajama bottoms and pulled them down.

"This spanking will only be with my hand, Chris, but that doesn't mean that any future "second" spankings will be given that way."

Then Beth began. The palm of her hand struck sharply across the center of Chris' pale bottom, followed rapidly by additional spanks spread across the upturned bottom.


The quickness of each spank brought cries of pain from Chris. Despite only using her hand, Chris was getting uncomfortable very quickly and his bottom was turning from white to red just as quickly. Her arm was like a blur as it ascended and descended rapidly to administer one spank after another. Beth didn't count the spanks, but just spanked until Chris was sobbing loudly and begging for the spanking to end. His pleas were finally answered and it was almost quiet in the room, the only noise coming from Chris' sobbing as he hung limply across Beth's knees.

"It's over, Chris. In case you are wondering, the spanking you received was not any worse than what we got at home and in most cases, less than what we got. Now, let me pull your pajama bottoms back up and then both of you can go to bed."

Beth reached for Chris' pjs and pulled them up over his smarting backside. Then she helped him up. Meanwhile, Jon sat quietly on his bed, feeling bad for his roommate, but glad he hadn't been spanked during class. With a smack to his bottom, Beth propelled Chris to his bed and then wished both of them good dreams and left their room, shutting the lights off as she exited. Both boys went to sleep, with Chris on his stomach, crying. The first full day at Lee Academy was almost over.

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