Late To Class

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While it is true that more spankings at Lee Academy are given to the 7th graders, it certainly doesn't mean that 8th and 9th graders don't also get spanked.........

One ancillary duty that teachers had was that of being hallway monitors. And one rule of the school was no running in the hallways. It was this rule that Marty ran afoul of in the third week of school. On this particular occasion, Ms. Connolly was standing outside her classroom, greeting her own students as they entered her classroom and at the same time, watching the coming and goings of students going to their next classes. There was about a minute remaining before the bell rang when Marty decided that the only way to be on time to his history class was to run. On rare occasions, a student could get away with running if a particular teacher had her attention diverted or something had come up that merited her attention. However, on this occasion, Marty was not able to make it to his next class without being noticed.

"Young man! Yes, you, come over here!"

Marty groaned in despair, as he knew he would be late for his class now. And worse, he was caught breaking a school rule. He walked over to the tall teacher, his head bent in surrender.

"Since when is running permitted in the hallways?

"It's not."

"Then why were you running, if it's not permitted?"

"I was going to be late for class."

It was at that moment that the bell rang.

"Well, I guess you are late now. That's not good. Students are given ample time to get to their next class. Why couldn't you make it on time?"

Marty was getting anxious. With each passing moment, he was getting later and later and Mrs. Donovan, his history teacher, would be more annoyed with him. And here the young teacher was quizzing him.

"Don't look at where you were heading, look at me, young man. You have plenty of time to worry about your next class; right now you have me to worry about. Now, what held you up so you couldn't be on time?"

"I was talking and lost track of the time."

"Really. That's something I would expect from a 13-year-old 7th grader, not someone who is in the 9th grade. Come over here."

With no choice, Marty walked over to the teacher, knowing his fate.

"Let's get these pants down. You need to be taught a lesson and let's see if my hand can impress you thru your behind to obey school rules."

Marty stood there as Ms. Connolly undid his pants and tugged them down. Then she placed her left leg on the bench attached to the wall. Before Marty knew it, he was upended over Ms. Connolly's left leg, leaving him dangling helplessly in the air. Then he felt the waistband of his underpants being pulled down.

Quickly, Ms. Connolly began smacking Marty's bare bottom hard and fast, applying 50 resounding spanks to his bare bottom, as he lay jackknifed across her left knee. Then, after pulling his underpants up, the sobbing 15 year old stood there while his pants were pulled up and refastened.

"Ok, young man, you may WALK to your next class. Now, scoot, I have a class to teach."

Knowing better than to run, Marty walked briskly to his history class, dreading having to face the strict Mrs. Donovan. When he got to the room, he opened the door and faced the music.

"Well, well, Marty has decided to grace us with his presence!"

To his dismay, he saw his teacher pick up her hairbrush, which rested on her desk for all to see, and then the stool, placing it front of her desk.

"I think you better come over here and explain yourself."

Marty walked over to his teacher as she spoke to him once again.

"Now, is there any reason why I shouldn't turn you over my knee and spank you good and hard?"

"Please, Mrs. Donovan, I was just spanked."

"Oh really? I think you ought to go over my knees and then you explain exactly what happened."

Marty began to bend over but was stopped.

"Oh, no, you know better than that. Take those pants down before you go over my knees. And don't dawdle, I don't have all day."

Not wanting to annoy his teacher any further, Marty quickly undid his pants and lowered them, blushing. It had been some time since his last spanking, either in school or at home and now he was about to receive his second spanking just a few minutes apart.

"Ok, young man, over my lap you go," instructed Mrs. Donovan as she motioned with the hairbrush.

Marty gulped and went across his teacher's knees, allowing himself to be adjusted and then to having his underpants once again being taken down, uncovering his red bottom.

"Who spanked you?"

"Ms. Connolly."

"Well, she did a fine job. And with just her hand. She sure does have a "hand of steel". That was a reference to a term of respect that other students had for the young teacher's spanking prowess.

'Now, tell me why she had the occasion to spank you."

Marty, uncomfortable over his teacher's knees, told how he was late and was caught running in the hallway.

"So, to avoid one spanking, you risked a second spanking, is that right?"

Marty mumbled affirmatively.

"Well, I guess it's time to show you why that's a bad idea."

Marty's second spanking began, this time with the hairbrush. Being spanked again on his already tender bottom quickly brought sobs and by the time she decided to stop, the 9th grader was wailing in pain.

"Maybe now you will be on time and not need to run in the hallway. 'Crime' does not pay, young man. Let me pull up your underpants and you can go sit down and we can continue the class."

Once his underpants were pulled up, Marty was stood up and he began to pull his pants back up.

"Oh, no, you don't. Keep those pants down at your knees and sit down on your underpants. Go ahead now."

So, a tearful and repentant Marty hobbled over to his seat, his red bottom glowing thru his underpants and winced as he sat down on the hard wooden seated chair.

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