No Need for Another!

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Having made her visits to the other 3 rooms, and having explained, in her inimitable way, what was expected of them, Beth headed to the last room of her section, where the Anderson twins were to be residing. Unknown to Beth, the twins' parents was still at the school, and in fact, were in the boys' room.

So Beth was completely surprised when she opened the door to the boys' room. Before Beth could utter her greeting to the boys, she beheld the tableau set before her. Sitting on the stool was undoubtedly the twins' mother. Across her knees, was a boy, who, obviously, was one of the twins. His bottom was bare, his jeans and underpants down at his ankles. Standing up, not quite in front of his mother and brother, was another boy, the other twin. He was a sight himself, as he stood there, with his own jeans and underpants at his ankles. However, while the twin over the knee still had a white behind, the twin standing owned a blazing red bottom, and was sobbing loudly, making it clear that he had just been let off his mom's knees after being soundly spanked. As Beth quickly surveyed the scene, she noticed the twin's dad and a older girl, probably, she thought, an older sister.

"H....Hi," Beth stammered, not sure what to say or how to react. "Maybe I'll come back in a few minutes."

"Nonsense! There's no need for you to do that. I know very well you have seen a naughty boy's bottom before. And it won't be the first time they have been spanked in front of others. Both the boys and their sister have been bickering and been real brats lately, and they have been all very overdue for a blistering."

Beth could see, from how the spanked twin's behind looked, that one blistering had indeed been given. Meanwhile, the other twin, draped over his mom's knees, squirmed in anticipation, as he awaited his own painful spanking. In his mother's hand was a large wooden hairbrush, not much different from the ones that Beth had used in the other rooms of her section.

"Well, I think Bobby has waited enough for his spanking, I am sure he doesn't want to miss out on what his brother got."

Then, immediately, the spanking began, and Beth found out how skilled a spanker the boys' mom was. The first spank of the hairbrush echoed through the room as Bobby cried out in pain. A red blotch appeared on one bottom cheek, and then another appeared on the other bottom cheek after another sizzling spank. Then, spank after spank followed, each as hard as the previous one. This, unlike Beth's spankings before, was not a sample spanking. As was obvious from the other twin's bottom, this was a full-fledged spanking.

Even Beth winced from the impact of the hairbrush on the boy's bottom. "I'm glad I am not the one over her knees," Beth thought. "I am sure glad my mom didn't spank THAT hard."

As the spanking progressed, Bobby soon was crying and then sobbing. The pain from the spanks got harder and harder to tolerate, and he lost complete control and just wailed away in agony. He could no longer protest, plead or beg, but just lay there, as spank after spank turned his pale backside red. Then, suddenly, his mom must have thought Bobby had been spanked soundly enough, as she stopped the spanking. Bobby still carried on, as if he still was being spanked, his bottom surely on fire. Leaving his underpants and jeans where they were, she had Bobby get off her knees. Beth was surprised to see that Bobby made no attempt to reach back to rub his bottom. At the same time, she realized that the other twin also didn't rub his bottom. It must be she surmised, a forbidden act, that would only get them punished further. Beth could well imagine how much the boys wanted to rub and how difficult it was to keep their hands away from their bottoms.

Now both boys were standing next to each other, each with their bottoms bare and on display to Beth and also to their sister, who was sitting on the bed.

While the spankings was over, their mom wasn't done with them yet. Waiving the hairbrush at them, she lectured.

"You two just better behave yourselves while you are here, young men,or you won't be sitting down the entire duration of Thanksgiving vacation."

Then she turned to Beth. "Miss Ashley, I expect that you will keep a sharp eye on these two brats, and to spank them soundly if they act up. As you can see, they are used to being spanked hard and long, and you most likely will have crack down on them yourself."

Then, standing up, and still leaving the boys standing where they were, she put the hairbrush back in her pocketbook, and began to walk to the door, accompanied by the twins' dad and their sister.

"Well, I'll leave Bobby and Billy in your hands. This young lady (indicating the boys' sister) has a spanking waiting for her at home for her acting up. Melanie's lucky I don't spank her right here and now."

Reaching over to their daughter, she smacked the seat of the girl's pleaded skirt.

"OUCH! Stop! Don't you dare.......!"

"Don't I dare what? Young lady, I don't think I can wait until we get home after all."

Mrs. Anderson grabbed Melanie's wrist and pulled her over to the stool. As if it was something she did all the time (and she probably did), she quickly sat down on the stool and in an instant had her daughter face down across her lap. As she lifted Melanie's skirt, Melanie began resisting her mother's efforts to prepare her for her spanking. Failing to stop her skirt from being lifted up, and feeling her mother grabbing the waistband of her panties, Melanie tried to stop the baring of her behind by reaching back and grabbing her panties herself. That failed when her mom gave her five resounding hand spanks. It also evidently cost Melanie a further sanction. Because, after pulling the panties down below Melanie's bottom, she didn't stop there, but took them off completely.

"You know better than trying to resist me when I am going to spank you, young lady. So, since you are so anxious to keep me from pulling down your panties, you can go without them for the rest of the day. I don't care if you are sixteen years old." Her mother's announcement of the extra punishment caused a few tears to fall, even more so when she saw her mom reach into her pocketbook and pull out the hairbrush, probably still warm from the heat it created from the two spankings already handed out.






The spanking began, as the hairbrush found it's target time after time. Mrs. Anderson didn't waste any time in turning his daughter's bottom scarlet, as she spanked rapid-fire, while Melanie kicked, squirmed and twisted, trying vainly to escape the painful spanks. If anything, her spanking was worse than the spankings her younger brothers received, as the spanks continued to rain down on the poor, defenseless bottom. Streams and streams of tears fell, as the poor girl surrendered completely to the awful hairbrush. No longer was she the mature 16 yr. high school sophomore she thought she was. Rather, she was just like any other naughty girl being spanked by her mom for misbehaving. Finally, the spanking stopped, leaving Melanie in a mess of tears as she lay across her mom's knees. Then was helped up and off the knees and she stood there, trying to pull the back hem of her skirt down more than it was. She felt too conscious of the fact that her bottom was bare and that only the short skirt she was wearing hid her bottom from public view. Her mom reminded her of further consequences.

"We're still going to out to eat, young lady, so, if I were you, I would be VERY careful. It wouldn't be too difficult to flip the back of your skirt up and spank you again."

Melanie blushed at her mom's remarks, and looked down at the floor, embarrassed.

Both Billy and Bobby just remained as they were, standing bare bottomed, with their bottoms still red, as their parents hugged them and wished the boys well. Then they left, leaving the boys and Beth alone in the room. After telling the twins they could pull up their underpants and pants, she spoke to them.

"Well, I guess it's been quite an afternoon for both of you and your sister as well, hasn't it? Whew! Supper is in just a few minutes, and I don't think you are ready to face anyone right now. Why don't I bring supper back to you. I'll just say you two aren't feeling too well, which, I guess, is pretty much true."

Both boys nodded appreciatively, not wanting to face the prospect of trying to avoid squirming while sitting down.

Beth continued on, "I had intended to talk to you about what rules we have at Lee Academy, but I don't think the time is right. Let's see...I want everyone to be ready for breakfast at 7:00, so you two be ready at 6:40 and I will talk to you then."

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