No Doubt In My Mind

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None of the eight boys were anxious to make their appearance dressed as they were in pajamas, so the walk to the cafeteria came too fast for them. As they walked in, they tried to avoid looking at anyone, but couldn't help hearing the murmuring that was building as more and more of the students saw them.

They arrived at their table, seemingly happy to be able to sit down, notwithstanding their burning behinds, but soon got another shock when Mrs. Donovan addressed them.

"Boys, before you take your seats, I want you to bend over and hold hands of the boy opposite you. And you better not let go."

The boys moaned in dismay. But the four boys on each side of the table bent over and reached over to grab the hands of the boy facing them. They felt so self-conscious, embarrassed to be put in such a position. And they were about to find out, it was about to get worse. Mrs. Donovan went over to Beth and whispered in her ear. Then she began walking over toward the teachers' area. As she did, Beth walked over to Neil who was the boy closest to her. She went behind him and grabbed the waistband of his pj bottoms and pulled them down, exposing his bare, red behind to many of the other students eating. The murmuring became louder still as Neil's unveiling was seen. They also witnessed Neil getting his right hand loose in a vain attempt to try and prevent his pj bottoms from being taken down. This caused Beth to scold both Neil and the boy opposite him.

"Get those hands together!! Didn't you hear Mrs. Donovan? You boys need to do what you are told!"

Both boys re-grabbed the other's hands and Beth continued on, baring seven more behinds. The boys were even more embarrassed now. In the meantime, Mrs. Donovan had returned but not empty-handed. In her hand was a paddle, a novelty paddle that usually can be purchased at some roadside or tourist areas, to be put to use by frazzled parents who have had enough of misbehaving children while on the road or at a resort. On one side was a picture of a boy bent over, bare bottomed, with lettering "Apply When Needed".

"Miss Ashley, did any of these boys disobey my directions?"

"Unfortunately, Mrs. Donovan, Neil and Richard didn't follow your instructions. Neil got his hand loose and tried to prevent me from baring his behind."

"That WAS NOT a good idea. Neil and Rich. You will be punished for that shortly."

Mrs. Donovan then walked behind and to Neil's left. The boys on the opposite side of Neil could see what she was holding and what she was about to do and their eyes opened wide in surprise and with a feeling of dread.



Mrs. Donovan applied the first whack of the paddle to Neil's backside, causing Neil to yell out in pain. Then, methodically, she gave Neil four more paddle spanks, bringing fresh sobs from Neil. Mrs. Donovan then continued on, applying five spanks of the paddle to each boy, with Richard being the eighth boy to feel the hard wood of the paddle smacking his behind. Then Mrs. Donovan handed the paddle to Beth, who went to the opposite side from where Richard and Neil were bent over and she took her turn handing out five spanks to each boy. This meant that Richard and Neil received their spanks back to back, the fourth and fifth boys that Beth paddled.

Once Beth finished her part of the paddling punishment, Mrs. Donovan made a motion to Beth and then she walked behind Neil. Beth mirrored Mrs. Donovan's action and walked behind Richard, as Mrs. Donovan addressed the section.

"Everyone, but Richard and Neil, you may pull up your pjs, stand up and go get your breakfast."

The six boys scrambled to cover up their behinds and stand up. Meanwhile, Richard and Neil unhappily remained bent over the table, nervously fearing that they would be getting more spanks from the paddle. Instead, Neil felt his left ear being grabbed by Mrs. Donovan, who pulled him up and then pulled him to his left to the other end of the table to an empty chair. Then, as Mrs. Donovan sat down, he felt himself being propelled over her lap. Meanwhile, Beth had grabbed Richard's ear, pulled him up and led him to his left to the nearby empty chair at the end of the table next to where he was bent over. As with Neil, he found himself bottoms up, over the knees of his housemother.

Both boys hung their heads in shame, embarrassingly put into the traditional spanking position in full view of their fellow students, both boys and girls. They didn't have much time to ponder their predicament as they both felt the first smack of their punisher's hand being applied to their behinds. This was followed by another and another spank as they once again cried and sobbed in earnest. After a few minutes of spanking, it ended with five final resounding spanks that really caused them to sob loudly.

The two boys were stood up on their feet and their pj bottoms were raised. Then with a hard spank to the seats of their pajamas, they were sent, sobbing, on their way to get their breakfasts. As their fellow section mates had felt before them, both Neil and Richard walked to the food line blushing as they felt the eyes of their fellow students upon them. And, when they returned to their seats, they had the further unpleasantness of sitting down on their very sore behinds.

There was no doubt left in the minds of the eight boys in Beth's section that they had a much different and stricter housemother than they had just the previous day.

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