Seat Warmers!

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Homerooms and seventh grade classes at Lee Academy were made up of two sections, one of boys and the other of girls. As it turned out, Beth's section was matched up with Marie's section, which meant that the twins, plus Lauren, and Janice, who was the other girl just spanked at the cafeteria, were now going to be classmates as well. Both the twins and the two girls blushed when they realized they were in the same homeroom. Unknown to all of them, their homeroom teacher, Mrs. Donovan, was at the cafeteria and saw the girls being spanked. She was also aware of the twins' public spanking in the dormitory area.

Another thing unknown to the students of her new homeroom was Mrs. Donovan's reputation of being very a strict teacher and disciplinarian. She believed strongly in the effectiveness of spanking, both in the school setting of Lee Academy and as a parent, which she was. In fact, Mrs. Donovan was a mother of two teenagers, who were not strangers to being face down across their mother's lap. Since a homeroom teacher at Lee Academy stays with her class for the duration, it had been three years since she had to deal with a new class that was not familiar with her beliefs or strictness. She was sure that she would have to establish herself once again, just like she did with the homeroom clas she had just spent three years with.

"Good morning, students," She greeted the arrivals once everyone had entered and sat down. "Please settle down. My name is Mrs. Donovan and I will be your homeroom teacher for your stay at Lee Academy. I will also be teaching history, which all of you will be taking this year. So you will have the privilege of my presence doubled. As all of you know, and in some cases, on a first hand basis, corporal punishment is allowed at Lee Academy. I want all of you to be very aware that I support that policy and I am a fervent believer in employing spankings when called for. Misbehavior in any of my classes will result in only one form of punishment, that being a sound spanking. That also goes for poor grades overall as well as not doing your work in my class. I hope all of you understand that, so I won't have to employ spankings too often. Unfortunately, that is something that isn't always possible, is it, Christopher?"

It so happened that as Mrs. Donovan was talking to the class, Christopher wasn't paying much attention. In a very short time, he would be the center of attention.

"Wh...what?" stammered Christopher, as he realized that he could be in trouble.

"Weren't you paying attention? Please repeat what I just told the class."

Not looking at his teacher, Christopher responded, "I guess I was distracted, Mrs. Donovan, I'm sorry."

Shaking her head, Mrs. Donovan expressed her displeasure. "I can't believe that you would not be paying attention when I was talking about how when I punish naughty students, For your information, I spank them. But maybe you need more than a verbal explanation. Please come up to the front of the room, Christopher."

"Please, Mrs. Donovan, I won't do it again, please don't spank me!" pleaded Christopher.

"Christopher!! Please do what I say. Do you want another spanking for disobedience? Come up her this instant!"

Christopher slowly got up from his chair and walked hesitantly toward his teacher's desk. Meanwhile, his teacher had gotten up and placed a stool in front of her desk. She stood in front of the stool as Christopher approached her.

"You're a naughty little boy, who needs his bottom soundly spanked."

As she childishly scolded the boy, she reached for his pants and undid the top button and then unzipped his pants. "Maybe a red and sore behind will help you pay attention when your teacher is talking. Aren't you embarrassed to have your pants taken down in front of the class?"

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