Sharing The Blame

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The day after Beth had spanked Peter for not doing his homework Beth was in her room reading. There was still some time before she would accompany her section to the cafeteria for supper. Earlier, she had been in Peter's room, helping him with his homework. Unlike the day before, he was able to do it fully clothed and his housemother's mood was much different from the day before. Even his mistakes didn't lead to any spanks as Beth brought them to his attention and corrected them.

As with the evening before, Beth still had a nagging thought that she couldn't quite put a finger on. Somehow, it had to do with Peter not doing his homework, but, exactly what it was about, she couldn't figure it out. Putting her thoughts aside, she resumed reading her book, but about ten minutes later, she heard a knock on her door. Wondering what might be happening, she went to the door, and opened it. It was Barbara Connolly, Peter's, and her section's English teacher.

"Come in, Barbara, it's nice to see you." Beth had always been friendly with Barbara Connolly, since their ages weren't too far apart. Beth noticed that, despite Barbara smiling in return to Beth's greeting, it wasn't as "friendly" as other times in the past.

"It's nice seeing you as well, Beth. I wasn't able to stop by yesterday, but this afternoon, I have the time." Seeing Beth's quizzical look, Barbara Connolly continued, "I guess you know I spanked Peter yesterday in class for not doing his homework?"

Beth nodded.

"I heard about his punishment last evening. Of which, I agree completely with. I would hope that would remove any temptation to not do his homework in the future."

"Yes, I certainly hope so." As she agreed with Barbara, she tried to remember something but couldn't.

"Beth, don't you think that part of your job is to help your section with their homework?"

"Yes...yes, I do. I have always told my boys that I am always available to help them and will work with them. Just this afternoon, Peter and I spent time with his homework."

"That's good to hear, Beth. But isn't making sure it is done also part of helping them with their homework?"

Beth, being honest, had to agree, and nodded her head.

"I am glad you agree, Beth. One question, though. Don't you remember last year when we had this same conversation?"

At first, Beth began to say that she hadn't, and then stopped herself.

"Nooo, I don't......., OH..."

Suddenly it dawned on Beth, and she remembered. Finally she realized what was bugging her since finding out Peter hadn't done his homework and had been spanked by Barbara.

Barbara smiled. "I guess you do remember now."

Beth blushed. "I...I do." Beth recalled the previous year there were a few occurrences of her boys being spanked by Barbara for not doing their english homework. It led to a visit by Barbara to her room and a discussion that part of Beth's job was to ensure her boys did their homework.

At that time, Beth assured Barbara that she would do a better job. It reminded Barbara of herself when she was younger and made assurances to her mom about doing something she was supposed to. She remembered her mom telling her what would entail if she failed to live up to her promises. Beth as well remembered...

"I hope you do so, Miss Ashley, I really do. However, if it does happen again, maybe I ought to do what my mom would do when I didn't live up to my promises."

With her own upbringing, Beth knew exactly what Barbara Connolly was saying and blushed.

"You mean you would...?"

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