4. Beyond the cold (pt. 2)

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Yearning to see Y/n, Taehyung returned from her house only to be whisked away for a crucial case in a different city. After a 13-day absence, he hurried to the cafe, only to discover that she had quit her job. Determined to find her, he visited her house, finding it empty. Attempts to contact her by phone were met with an unreachable number.

Taehyung's life reverted to the same cold walls, the warmth he felt in her presence now a distant memory. Frustration gnawed at him, and he despised the realization that he had lost her.

As a month passed without a word from Taehyung, Y/n's life underwent significant changes. She decided to step away from the cafe, moving into a new rented apartment.

Simultaneously, she received the news of being accepted as an intern at the biggest law firm, a testament to her excellent performance in the law exams. The whirlwind of transformation marked a new chapter in Y/n's life, though the absence of Taehyung lingered as an unanswered question in her evolving narrative.

After a day filled with court hearings, Taehyung arrived at his law firm, his demeanor colder than ever. The secretary informed him about the new interns and suggested he meet them. Despite his reluctance, Taehyung, driven by persistence, entered the room where ten freshly graduated interns awaited.

With his intimidating presence, he gestured for them to sit, casting his usual stern gaze upon the new recruits.

Amidst addressing his interns with succinct yet potent words in his formidable voice, Taehyung's presence sent shivers through the room.

As his sharp gaze surveyed the intimidated faces, a sudden recognition dawned upon him upon locking eyes with a familiar figure—Y/n.

Her eyes betrayed a mixture of fear and tears, and as she averted her gaze, Taehyung knew he had found the one he had been searching for.

With the dismissal of the interns by his secretary, Taehyung, breaking his usual stern demeanor, softly uttered her name. The gentle tone, in contrast to his usual intensity, nearly gave the secretary a heart attack. Y/n, with teary eyes, left the room, leaving the secretary in stunned disbelief at the audacity of someone not responding to Taehyung in his own firm.

Upon Taehyung's request, his secretary summoned Y/n to his office, her heart pounding with anxiety. Knocking and entering, she found herself under the intense gaze of Taehyung. Standing with lowered eyes in her formal attire, her heart raced with fear, wondering if this might be the end of her employment.

Noticing her presence, Taehyung observed the changes—a new haircut and an elegant outfit that accentuated her beauty. Rising from his chair and approaching her, he gently inquired, "What happened?" As she burst into tears, Taehyung, taken aback, found himself at a loss, unsure of how to handle her overwhelming emotions.

Gently placing his hand on hers, which shielded her tear-streaked face, Taehyung softly urged, "Talk to me, Y/n."

To his surprise, she suddenly embraced him, pouring out her fears, "Where were you? I was so scared. I thought something happened to you. You're so bad. I thought you didn't want to see me." Pulling away, she anxiously questioned, "Are you okay? You were sick?"

Taehyung, caught off guard, felt a wave of emotion. Seeing genuine concern in her eyes, he realized that in her presence, he found something he had been missing—someone who cared for him.

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