5. Innocence (pt.1)

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In the big house where everything seems so grown-up, little y/n feels like a tiny speck. Her eyes, wide and innocent, watch as the grown-ups move around with serious faces, always too busy to notice her. She clutches her small stuffed kitty, seeking comfort in its softness.

The pain comes in different shapes and sizes for little y/n. It's the sting on her tiny fingers when her sister's hand meets hers a bit too forcefully. It's the rumbling emptiness in her tummy when everyone gets food, and she's left waiting, forgotten. She looks at her sister with big, teary eyes, but the sister's gaze stays cold.

In her little world, y/n wishes for a moma to kiss away the hurt and a dada to chase away the shadows. But the big house only echoes with loneliness, and the only hugs she gets are from her small stuffed kitty.

She wonders why everyone is so busy and why they don't see that she's just a little girl who wants someone to play with her.

Sometimes, she tries to be a big girl like her sister, but the big people don't understand her. When she makes a mistake, the scoldings rain down on her like a storm. She wishes she could be good enough, but the more she tries, the more the pain grows.

The maids and workers move around like shadows, their eyes looking through her as if she's not really there.

They don't hear the tiny voice saying, "I'm hungry," or see the quivering lip that longs for a kind word. Instead, y/n finds herself alone in a sea of grown-up faces that don't understand her 5-year-old heart.

In the silence of her room, she hugs her small stuffed kitty tighter, wishing for someone to scoop her up, tell her she's loved, and chase away the pain. The world outside may be big and busy, but in her little space, all she wants is a bit of warmth and someone to notice that she's hurting.

In the grand mansion shadowed by the echoes of lost laughter, 20-year-old y/n retreats into a 5-year-old's world, seeking refuge from the tragedy that stole her parents. Her elder sister, burdened by the weight of responsibilities, treats y/n with cold indifference, a forgotten figure enduring both physical and emotional pain.

The opulent halls conceal y/n's silent suffering – bruises hidden beneath polished surfaces, hunger gnawing at her in the absence of love. Even the maids and workers mirror her sister's disdain, turning a blind eye to the little girl yearning for affection.

In her sanctuary of innocence, y/n clings to a small stuffed kitty, a poignant symbol of comfort in a mansion that has forgotten the warmth of carefree days. Amidst the grandeur, she remains a silent plea for someone to acknowledge the pain in her wide, innocent eyes and rescue her from the loneliness that pervades the vast halls.

In the grand living room of their imposing house, y/n sat on the couch, clutching her small stuffed kitty tightly. Tears streamed down her face as hunger gnawed at her tiny frame. The maids, busy with their chores, paid no attention to the little girl's distress, and the vastness of the house only intensified her loneliness.

Y/n softly mumbled a small "Hungry...";

Her plea went unnoticed. The older girl, returning home exhausted and irritated, cast a glance at the small figure on the couch. Frustration bubbled within her, and without a word, she lashed out at y/n, the sting of her hand leaving the fragile girl in even more tears.

Unnie: Can't you be quiet? I'm tired!

Y/n was whimpering only one word "Hungry..."

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